WASHINGTON, DC, January 23, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The following joint statement by 22 of the nation’s pre-eminent pro-life organizations was issued today in response to President Obama’s signing of an executive order revoking the Mexico City policy. The Mexico City policy is a Reagan-era policy that forbids taxpayer monies from funding organizations that promote or perform abortions overseas:
“We are distressed that in the midst of the country’s greatest economic crisis since the Depression, this Administration is going to allocate millions of taxpayer dollars to abort children in developing countries.
“Reversing the Mexico City Policy is nothing less than a bailout of the abortion industry, taking money away from grassroots organizations that truly help women and children in order to fund two radical abortion lobbyists in particular – International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International.
“By forcing abortion down the throats of indigenous peoples throughout the world, who want real aid, not abortion, we are needlessly antagonizing potential allies, undermining the President’s promise of respectful international cooperation of just two days ago.
“We truly hope that this is not the first step toward the new Administration becoming the most pro-abortion Administration in history.”
Arizona Right to Life
Campaign Life Coalition
Caring to Love Ministries, Inc.
Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
Catholic Medical Association
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
Divine Mercy Care
Expectant Mother Care
Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Good Counsel Homes
Heartbeat International
Human Life Alliance
International Right to Life Federation
Latin American Alliance for the Family (ALAFA)
LCMS World Relief and Human Care
Life Coalition International
Life Education and Resource Network Inc.
Life Issues International
Life Legal Defense Foundation
Lutherans for Life
Pro-Life Action League
40 Days for Life