
GUELPH, ON, Oct 23 ( – LifeSite has learned that the National Executive of the Catholic Women’s League has threatened to revoke the “life member” status of Jakki Jeffs, a devout Catholic and committed member of the group. Her crime was speaking out against the League’s support of the feminist World March of Women 2000. In a letter to Jeffs, dated October 10, CWL National President Vivian Bosch expresses her “dismay and disappointment on learning that your opinions, in your capacity as a life member, have been repeatedly and consistently quoted in the press on the World March of Women 2000.” Bosch continues, “As you are well aware, the sole spokesperson for The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is the national president.”

The letter claims there was on the part of some unnamed members “embarrassment that one of their sisters would allow herself to publicly convey personal opinions which contradict those of the national president, the national executive and national council.” The letter failed to mention however, that the “personal opinion” was also the expressed judgment of Mrs. Jeffs own bishop, Bishop Anthony Tonnos, not to mention the numerous other bishops who expressed their objections to the march.

The letter says “the national executive will be discussing your role as a life member of The Catholic women’s League of Canada at the forthcoming national executive meeting.”

See the whole letter at: