TO, Mar 1, 2001( – Toronto pro-lifer Alex Vernon, who does pro-life sidewalk counselling, was arrested Tuesday while standing outside the bubble zone at Scott abortuary in Toronto. Vernon was arrested by four plain-clothes officers in an unmarked car followed by a marked car that took him to 51 Division where he was held about 6 hours and underwent a strip search. The arresting officers failed to read the injunction as they are required to do. In order to be released, Vernon was made to sign a condition that he would stay away from what amounted to the eastern part of downtown Toronto until the matter is decided. He is facing charges of criminal harassment. Alex is known to LifeSite editor John-Henry Westen who described him as one of the most kind and gentle pro-life young men he had ever known.
Meanwhile in Vancouver British Columbia pro-lifer Sissy Von Dehn was also arrested while standing outside the bubble zone around the Everywoman’s Health Centre while handing out brochures. During the arrest the officer insinuated Von Dehn was “high on cocaine.” Although the officer told her she was under arrest he walked away without taking her into custody. Von Dehn told LifeSite that should she be made to sign a condition it could be problematic since her house is next to the abortuary.