
October 9, 2012 ( – Hundreds of pro-life groups and thousands of individuals in over 100 towns across Spain mobilized Sunday for the country’s third annual March for Life. Participants called on Spain’s new, more conservative government to close the “psychological risk” loophole in Spain’s abortion legislation that has led to over a million deaths, to stop the eugenic killing of disabled unborn children, and to end abortion altogether in Spain.

Supported by more than 500 volunteers, Spain’s principal pro-life organization, Right to Life (Derecho a Vivir) worked in a massive coalition to distribute more than 20,000 pennants, 28,000 balloons, 6,800 caps, 60,000 flyers, and tens of thousands of other items sporting a pro-life message, according to Europa Press.

The same agency reports that events were simultaneously held in Portugal and several Latin American countries, including Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, and Perú.


Gador Hoya, a Right to Life spokesman, spoke before demonstrators in Madrid, calling on the Spanish government to end eugenic abortions.

“[N]o human being should be discriminated against for being different, for having some disability. None!” said Hoya. “We therefore seek the abolition of eugenic abortion in its entirety. 

“We don’t want disabled people of the first and second class. We want all disabled children to be protected by their government without exception before and after being born.”


Hoya added that the claim that women suffer a “psychological risk” because of their pregnancies is baseless, and fails to address the problems that lead pregnant women to desperation.

“Pregnancy doesn’t cause mental illness, nor does it psychologically disturb a woman.  The cause is found in the adverse circumstances that surround them, and we can and must do away with those circumstances,” said Hoya. “There cannot exist a collision of equal rights when we speak of the right to life of the unborn and the risk of depression in a woman. The right to life must always prevail in the face of all others because without it no right makes sense.”

Enrique Jaureguízar of Spain’s Doctors for Life, quoted the Spanish philosopher Julian Marías: “The gravest thing, from the moral standpoint, that has occurred in the 20th century, is the social acceptance of abortion.”

“And he was right,” continued Juareguízar.  “We will pay for these attacks against life with an inverted demographic pyramid with more pensioners than young workers, as we are already suffering in this horrible [economic] crisis.”

“It seems to me to be barbarous that there can exist a law that foments the culture of death,” marcher Carmen Gonzalez told Span’s El País newspaper. “It’s intolerable. How far are we going to go?”

Right to Life is seeking one million signatures for its petition to the Spanish government to end abortion in the country, and includes an option for non-Spanish to add their names.


(Original in Spanish here.)

Most Excellent Mr. President of the Government:

In the face of the disturbing situation regarding abortion in Spain, I ask you to consider the following facts:

Science demonstrates that, from the moment of fertilization, a woman becomes a mother of a new living human being, with his own genetic code, unique and unrepeatable.

Abortion involves the cruel and violent death of a human being.

Abortion always claims two victims: the child who dies and the mother who suffers.

Abortion involves a multi-million dollar business that benefits a few people, which profits from the death of others, in most cases with public money.

In Spain people are permitted to eliminate, among others, those human beings who haven’t reached 14 weeks of gestation or those who do not fulfill certain criteria of “quality.”

The current law in Spain converts abortion into a right of the woman.

Given all of the preceding I ask:

That you eliminate the law on abortion and promote legislation that protects life from the moment of its conception.

That you promote an integral law of maternal support.

That you promote adoption and create a national plan of adoption that is expedited and effective.

That you engage in public education against abortion, developing an integral plan for this in every venue and especially in the areas of health and education.

That you not allocate public funds to initiatives that attack human life in any of its phases.

With my signature on this petition, I commit myself to work to obtain the objective of ZERO ABORTIONS in Spain.


To sign this petition, click here and fill in the blanks as follows:

Email: Your email address
Nombre: Your first name
Apellidos: Your last name

Leave check or uncheck this statement: “Acepto que, en su momento, se publique en esta Web, mi nombre y profesión como firmante” (I accept that, at some point, my name and profession will be published as a signer)

Optional blanks:

Profesión: Your profession
Codigo postal: Your postal code or ZIP code
Ciudad: Your city
Provincia: Leave blank if you don’t live in Spain
País: Your country
DNI: Leave blank if you don’t live in Spain