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Linda GibbonsTony Gosgnach / LifeSiteNews

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life Canadians are gathering outside a Toronto courthouse to support veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons, who is being tried for her witness on behalf of the unborn.

This morning, July 22, pro-lifers rallied outside the Ontario Court of Justice in downtown Toronto as part of Campaign Life Coalition’s (CLC) initiative to support the 75-year-old grandmother as she faces charges for publicly defending the unborn outside an abortion facility.

“We’re here outside the Court House in Toronto rallying for Linda Gibbons, the 75-year-old Christian grandmother who was recently arrested and jailed for witnessing to life outside of a Toronto-area abortion centre,” CLC posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Linda is scheduled to appear in court at 10 AM. The Canadian pro-life movement is rallying behind Linda,” the post continued.

A video of the rally shows pro-lifers lined up on the sidewalk outside the Ontario Court of Justice, Room 901, 10 Armoury Street, Toronto. The pro-lifers include many young Canadians holding signs reading “Free Linda Gibbons” and “Repeal the Bubble Zones.”

Gibbon’s trial comes after she was arrested for a fourth time after deliberately skipping a court hearing related to her advocacy, choosing to witness in front of an abortion facility instead.

The abortion mill, located in an office complex on 727 Hillsdale Avenue in Toronto’s upscale Leaside neighborhood, is one of many started by or named after Canada’s most notorious abortionist, Henry Morgentaler.

Before that, her most recent arrest took place on June 13, which was her third arrest in just three weeks.

Already, at a previous hearing, Gibbons refused to answer the judge’s questions, instead witnessing to the silence of the babies killed every day in Canada by abortion.

Gibbon’s ministry is now considered criminal in Canada thanks to Ontario’s Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, which was put into effect on February 1, 2018, and was passed the previous year by then-Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government.

The law bans any pro-life activity, including praying, sidewalk counseling, and showing “disapproval” of abortion, within 50 meters of Ontario’s eight abortion facilities.

While the law was implemented by Liberals, the long-reigning Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford has never challenged the law.

Prior to her recent string of arrests starting in May, Gibbons was last arrested in September of 2015 after conducting a similar silent protest in front of the same Morgentaler center.

After spending some 141 days in jail, an Ontario judge in 2016 convicted her of breaking a 1999 civil injunction that bans pro-life activities within 500 feet of Toronto’s Morgentaler abortion facility. This injunction was later superseded by Ontario’s Safe Access to Abortion Services Act.

In total, Gibbons’ pro-life advocacy has resulted in her spending almost 11 years in jail for her peaceful witness for mothers and unborn children.

CLC has launched a petition calling on Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey and Premier Doug Ford to repeal the “Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017.”

