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Picture of the thousands of participants at the Mexico City Half Marathon who saw the 'REMEMBER The Unborn' banner (in Spanish)LIFE Runners

MEXICO CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-lifers joined together to witness to the dignity of the unborn at a half marathon across Mexico City earlier this month.    

On July 14, members of “LIFE Runners” attended a half-marathon in Mexico City as part of the group’s international mission to spread the pro-life message to all parts of the world. The group chose the Mexico City race in large part because the city is home to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“LIFE Runners chose the Mexico City Half Marathon because of our ministry connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe,” Dr. Patrick Castle, the founder of LIFE Runners, told LifeSiteNews. 

Dr. Patrick Castle at the finish line of the Mexico City Half Marathon

“In 2011 we chose an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for our LIFE Runners Creed holy card because Our Lady of Guadalupe is pregnant with Jesus and her appearance resulted in the greatest conversion,” he explained.   

“Our Lady of Guadalupe inspired a culture of Life in Mexico,” he continued. “The Aztecs did human sacrifice to false gods to ensure the sun rose the next day. Our Lady pointed the Aztecs and all of us to God’s Son (Jn2:5), who rose and gave us life eternal. Stones from the temples (place of death) were used to build the Mexico City Cathedral (place of life).”  

LIFE Runners reached over 30,000 participants and a million spectators with an 8 foot “REMEMBER The Unborn” banner (in Spanish) at the start and finish line of the Mexico City Half Marathon. The LIFE Runners wore shirts reading, “REMEMBER The Unborn” in Spanish; and distributed cards with the LIFE Runners Creed in Spanish. 

Picture of the thousands of participants at the Mexico City Half Marathon who saw the “REMEMBER The Unborn” banner (in Spanish)

The LIFE Runners creed reads as follows:

We believe in the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. 

We run as a Prayer, to defend children in the womb, so that they may be born and united with our Christian community. 

We run to build Endurance, for the race is long and we must keep our eyes fixed on You Lord. 

We run for Awareness, so our culture will view all human life as a reflection of Your glory Lord. 

We run for Charity, to provide support for mothers and fathers tempted to abort their child, and healing support for post-abortion women, men, and families. 

We run to End abortion, for Christ died so that all may live.  Guard us all, born and unborn, with Your PEACE, Lord. For in You, life is victorious. 

We pray and run in Your name, JESUS CHRIST. Amen. 

After witnessing at the race, the pro-lifers travelled to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to see the miraculous Tilma at the heart of the apparition. The basilica is the most visited Catholic site in the world, attracting a whopping 20 million pilgrims per year. 

Pro-life runners at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

“We had a powerful encounter with an elderly Mexican mother who crawled a half mile to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a prayer for her children to return to God,” Castle revealed.  

“When she was close to the Basilica, I knelt down beside her, thanked her for her witness, and prayed in Spanish the LIFE Runners Creed with her,” he continued.   

LIFE Runner founder Dr. Patrick Castle praying his group’s creed with a Mexican mother

The half marathon is only a part of what LIFE Runners plans to do this year. The America-based organization has scheduled its national race for October 5-6 to spread the pro-life message in Portland, Oregon.   

Those who wish to participle can register to walk or run 5K legs of the LIFE Runners annual A-Cross America Relay, the largest spanning Pro-Life event in the world, traversing over 5,000 miles with a course that makes a cross over America (Sep 6 to Oct 19). 

