
TORONTO, July 30, 2004 ( – Canadian abortionist, Henry Morgentaler, responding to a recent Statistics Canada report, is claiming that access to abortion on demand is the reason for the country’s lowest violent crime rate since 1967.

Morgentaler asserts that ‘unwanted’ children would be abused and maltreated and turn into criminals and thus society is better off when abortion has killed them off before they are able to inflict societal damage.  In his own words, “The recently reported decrease in violent crime in Canada continues a trend evident since 1991. It confirms again my theory that access to abortion has played a major role in this development. Violent crimes are usually committed by young men with a rage in their heart, a result of maltreatment they received as babies and children. . . .  The fact that fewer children are being born unwanted due to contraception and access to abortion means that fewer children are likely to be abused and were/are growing up in better conditions for their emotional development.”  Commenting on the release, Campaign Life Coalition National President Jim Hughes told “Every year, to the embarrassment of even abortion supporters, Morgentaler drags out his pet theory of why abortion is good for society.”. “However the strangeness of the proposal has even his most devout fans leery.”“How conveniently utilitarian,” Charles Moore wrote, in an Interim editorial written after Morgentaler made an identical statement in 1998. “Abortion as the solution to crime! Why didn’t I think of that? If we carry that rationale to its logical conclusion, why don’t we abort all children of disadvantaged or potentially abusive parents?”  Read Charles Moore’s Interim editorial:  ‘Not In The Slightest Contrite’ In Continuing To Protest Abortion

Read the related coverage:  Surge In Youth Crime Contradicts Abortion Benefit Study: Violent Youth Crime Up 77% In Canada nm4   tv