Catholic World News
WASHINGTON, DC (CWN) Hundreds of thousands of Christian men gathered on the National Mall in Washington on Saturday for a six-hour rally in which they pledged to become better husbands, fathers, and neighbors and asked forgiveness of God and their families for the past sins of omission and commission.
In a moving display, speakers touched on issues from abortion to workaholism to racism, not from an abstract viewpoint, but mainly from personal experience. Time after time, the enormous crowd went down to its collective knees to confess personal sinfulness, rose to its feet to cheer and sing, and then, in small groups, gathered to pray with one another. The group’s leaders were also careful to tell the attendees, and the small groups of protesters on the fringes, that Promise Keepers is not about advancing political agendas, but calling men to be more responsible to their duties.
Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press that the rally was a tremendous display of hunger for God that exists in men today. He added that the group plans to hold rallies in every state capitol on January 1, 2000 to take a roll call for Jesus Christ. He also addressed Promise Keepers’ critics, saying: We love you. You can trust us because we’re men of integrity. We’re not out to divide this nation, but we’re out to share the gospel message. … They’ll find being in the company of guys that keep their promises is healthy.