
OTTAWA, November 1, 2002 ( – Bill C-10, currently at second reading in the Senate and having already passed in the House of Commons, deals with cruelty to animals and gun control – both issues driven by well funded lobby groups.  REAL Women Canada points out that the bill will amend the Criminal Code to broaden protection previously provided only to persons and property, which also included animals. The bill moves animals out of the property category, and treats them as beings in their own right, worthy and needy of separate protection under the Code.  “The Bill provides that anyone who kills or causes suffering, injury or pain to an animal, which is defined as a vertebrate, other than a human being, that has the capacity to feel pain, will be subject to a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.  Yet the same Criminal Code now provides no protection whatsoever for pre-born human children who similarly feel pain and suffer.  Pre-born children can be killed anytime up to birth without penalty under the law, without any protection from the Criminal Code,” says REAL Women.  Further, for those who kill by way of infanticide, defined in the Code as the killing of a newly born child by its mother, the maximum penalty for that offense is also five years’ imprisonment. The penalty will be the same as for killing or abusing an animal. “It seems the Liberal Government lacks concern for and understanding of the dignity and value of human life, pre-born or newly born.  The Liberal government seems to have a greater compassion for animals,” says REAL Women.  See Bill C-10 online at: