MONTREAL, June 2, 2003 ( – The government of Quebec has sponsored an initiative to declare June 4, “National Day Against Homophobia”. The Montreal city council which is also listed as a sponsor of the initiative, issued a proclamation last week (May 26) declaring June 4 “National Day to Fight Against Homophobia”. Laurent McCutcheon, president of Gai Écoute’s Fondation Émergence, says that Quebec Premier Jean Charest sent a personal letter pledging his support. Moreover McCutcheon expects the Quebec Liberal throne speech June 3 to proclaim June 4 “National Day Against Homophobia.” The website promoting the National Day Against Homophobia lists as sponsors the Quebec Ministry of Relations with Citizens and Immigration, the City of Montreal, and the French Consulate in Quebec. See the website of the organization:
Quebec And Montreal City Gov’ts Sponsor National Day Against Homophobia
Also Sponsored By France Consulate General In Quebec