
CHICAGO, May 3, 2005 ( – Since the election of Pope Benedict XVI, the homosexual movement around the world has outdone itself in venom and anti-Catholic rhetoric in attacking the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger for his uncompromising defence of Catholic teaching on the sacredness of natural sexuality. Now the Rainbow Sash movement in the US has announced it will engage in ‘protests’ at Catholic Masses on the feast of Pentecost, Sunday, May 15. “Also, we call on our brothers and sisters, both straight and gay, around the nation to enter parishes wearing the Rainbow Sash.”

The Rainbow Sash movement, a group of homosexuals and their supporters who campaign against Catholic teaching on sexuality, in announcing plans for a national day of disruption of Catholic Masses, called Pope Benedict a liar and a “homophobe.” They wrote, “In the weeks since the death of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI. For many gay men and lesbians the name Joseph Ratzinger means aggressive homophobe.” Referring to the documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of which the Pope was the head, the release read, “We hope that our presence will also counter the lies that Pope Benedict XVI is promoting about our community.”

On June 6, 2004, Francis Cardinal George, archbishop of Chicago, issued a statement that persons using the Mass as a stage for anti-Catholic protests would not be allowed to receive Holy Communion. The Cardinal wrote, “The policy of the U.S. Bishops’ conference, a policy I did not invent, was to refuse Communion to anyone who used its reception as an occasion to protest against the Church’s teaching.”

There has as yet been no official reaction from the new pontiff to the small number of US bishops who have issued public invitations to the Rainbow Sashers to receive Holy Communion in their dioceses. Roger Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles, Archbishop Harry Flynn of St. Paul-Minneapolis and Bishop Mathew Clark of Rochester New York have all provided parishes and ministries that encourage the ‘gay’ lifestyle in defiance of Church teaching.

Some reaction from Rome is expected however, since then-Cardinal Ratzinger, in his meditations for Good Friday, wrote of the abuse of the Eucharist, “His betrayal by his disciples, their unworthy reception of his Body and Blood, is certainly the greatest suffering endured by the Redeemer; it pierces his heart.”

Read previous coverage:

Vatican Cardinal Ends Debate: No Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians or Rainbow Sashers

Cardinal Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI on Life, Faith, Family and Freedom