WASHINGTON, D.C., November 30, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) –Republican Senator Rand Paul says he wants to pass a Life at Conception Act to “end abortion on demand once and for all.”
Senator Paul, R-KY, recently recorded a message for the National Pro-Life Alliance (NPLA), talking about the legislation, which would declare unborn babies legal persons from the moment of conception and give them Constitutional protections.
The senator says Congress can legislatively overturn the Supreme Court‘s Roe v. Wade decision by passing a “personhood” law called the Life at Conception Act.
The law would establish that human life begins at conception, and extend 14th Amendment protection to babies in the womb.
Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in the 1973 ruling that if a fetus can be defined as a person, the “right” to abortion “collapses, for the fetus’s right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”
U.S. law does not currently define an unborn child as a legal person.
Senator Paul, who has a medical degree, says in the message that science and biology confirm that life begins at conception.
In the message, Paul slams Roe v. Wade, which he says, “played God with innocent human life” and “invented laws that condemned more than 56 million babies to painful deaths without trial.”
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Some social conservatives worried that Rand Paul would be weak on the pro-life issue, since he has often touted his libertarian leanings. While most libertarians are “pro-choice,” many—including the senator and his father—are pro-life.
Rand Paul seems ready to lead the Republican Party in the fight to uphold its pro-life platform.
“Will you help me in a bold and aggressive campaign to end abortion on demand once and for all?” Paul asks in his message to NPLA supporters.
The senator also stresses the importance of grassroots activism on the pro-life issue. He urges those listening to his message to contact their elected representatives in support of the Life at Conception Act.
The National Pro-Life Alliance has more information about the Life at Conception Act.