By Hilary White
SASKATOON, January 24, 2006 ( – With Paul Martin leveling a barrage of last-minute accusations of a hidden pro-life agenda at Harper’s Conservatives, the Liberal party revealed its blatant bias against Canada’s majority of social conservatives. The irony is that both the Conservative and Liberal candidates who proudly upheld their pro-life views and defended the rights of Canadians to think the same way, were elected handily.
Maurice Vellacott, the Conservative incumbent for Saskatoon-Wanuskewin has been a stalwart defender of life and family from the beginning of his first term. In his acceptance speech yesterday, he again pledged his commitment to the sanctity of human life.
Speaking of his children, Josh and Jay, 12 years and 6 years respectively, Vellacott said, “If we’d listened to the general recommendation of the medical professionals, these two boys might not even be on this earthly scene. My wife was termed a geriatric mother at age 38.”
“Geriatric mothers,” he said, “are often advised by doctors to have an amniocentesis test to detect any birth defects, large or small, so as to possibly abort the child. But there’s a risk to the preborn child involved in an amniocentesis test, so we opted not to run that test because life is precious. And we’re very grateful for these two boys – most of the time.”
Far from shame at his religious convictions, Vellacott, revealing his “secret weapon,” thanked especially all those who prayed for his win. “I want to thank all those warriors who prayed for the process of democracy and prayed for stamina, wisdom and protection for our campaign. Thank you to all those workers in the trenches for your faithfulness in that sphere.”
During the campaign, Liberals became desperate when it appeared Canadians were not buying the “scary religious conservative” smears. False allegations of sexual assault and an attack website by a University if Saskatchewan law student backfired on Vellacott’s Liberal rival, Chris Axworthy.
The Conservatives called for Axworthy’s withdrawal from the campaign. “The Liberal campaign was caught making false allegations, and now appears to be caught in a coverup,” Conservative party campaign chair John Reynolds said.
Vellacott received more than double the votes of his Liberal opponent.
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