WARNING: very explicit content.
NEW YORK, October 24, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The recommended curriculum for a mandatory sex education course to be implemented in New York middle and high schools next year directs students to a website that details “safe sex” practices regarding bestiality, coprophagia, and other extreme sexual fetishes.
The New York Post reported on Saturday that assignments in a workbook recommended by city education officials included giving middle schoolers “risk cards” to rate the safety of such activities as anal sex, oral sex, and “intercourse using a condom and an oil-based lubricant.”
Teens are also told to learn the route from school to the nearest family planning clinic and research its confidentiality policy, or to report on condom brands and features such as lubrication.
But one of the most extreme aspects of the curriculum is its referral to “Go Ask Alice,” a website run by Columbia University that offers comprehensive analysis of sex fetishes and their hygienic pitfalls.
“The idea of experimenting with scat play might heat things up in the bedroom (or bathroom, or anywhere else you choose), but it’s always a good idea to consider the risks of a behavior before acting upon (or getting action from) it,” states the website in one page entitled “‘Scat’ play — is eating feces safe?” Other areas discuss pornography, drinking urine, and “favorite sexual positions.” One page proposes to overcome lack of information on the bestiality due to “stigmatization” of the practice.
Another section of the site diagnoses “homophobia” as an “irrational fear and subsequent discrimination and/or hatred of … sexual non-conformists” caused by strong religious beliefs that are “disapproving of sex:” “While there is no one known cause of homophobia, research has shown that having strong religious beliefs disapproving of sex and/or homosexuality and having little or no contact with lesbian and gay people can negatively influence a person’s attitudes towards homosexuals.”
The NYC Parents’ Choice Coalition has launched a campaign against the new curriculum, urging parents to opt their kids out of the program. However, the city’s Department of Education defended the information as more in-depth instruction on safe-sex practices, and noted that abstinence would also be taught.
Mayor Bloomberg defended the sex curriculum as necessary to combat the city’s STD infections and out-of-wedlock births. “We have a responsibility, when you have an out of wedlock birthrate and a sexually transmitted disease rate that we have in this city, to try to do something about it,” said the mayor on Monday. “Shame on us if we don’t.”
CNN reports that the NYC Department of Education will mandate that all schools have a sexual education curriculum by next spring.
Click here for NYC Parents’ Choice Coalition’s contact page for Mayor Bloomgberg and the NYC Department of Education.