June 25, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – With just 5 days left in our Summer Fundraising Campaign, we absolutely must meet our minimum $500,000 goal.
LifeSiteNews is a 100% reader-funded organization. This means there are no political or religious groups, corporations or other outsiders that that might influence LifeSite articles because we would be so dependent on them for financial support.
Our mission is to simply report truthful news, and we can only do that because of you, our generous supporters.
Often, we are the only news outlet reporting certain news facts, and I want to share with you an example of that from last year:
Back in January 2020, we published an article by Steven Mosher about the possibility that the COVID-19 virus may have been fabricated in a Chinese lab and that the Chinese Communist Party was covering up the scale of its infection rate. A few weeks later the same article was published in the New York Post. That piece was eventually censored by Facebook police for being “false information” and we were the only outlet to cover this censorship in our news reporting.
Mosher and LifeSite were accused of publishing “fake”, non-credible news by many critics, including some insistent LifeSite readers, simply because they could not find anyone else reporting the same information.
We have experienced that kind of response to our investigative reports many times over the years from a public that has found it hard to adjust to the fact that a comparatively small, non-profit news organization could be scooping the giant mainstream media on crucial national and international news developments.
Fast forward to June 2021 when we are once again being vindicated. It’s all finally coming out in the mainstream news that Fauci did indeed know about a possible COVID lab leak as early as January 2020, based on a series of emails that have been recently made public.
Your support today allows this type of crucial reporting to continue. As millions of people worldwide rely on us as their go-to news source, I invite you to please consider a chip-in donation of even just $35 to help us reach the Summer Campaign goal. Use this following secure link: https://give.lifesitenews.com
Though Big Tech, the abortion industry and Climate Change depopulationists have combined forces to try to silence us for good, we are not fearful of their attacks. Rather, we are confident in readers like you who value the news that we provide and choose to generously support our mission so that we can overcome any censorship or persecution that lies ahead.
Here are just a few of the reasons our supporters have shared as to why they have chosen to support the LifeSiteNews mission:
“I've been a follower and donator for years. Thank you for all your awesome articles. We are going through very bad times right now and to know that I'm not alone fighting this absurdity keeps me going…people are not being given any information other than the mainstream media stuff… thank you for all that you do to give us the real truth about what's going on.” – Barbara, Mexico
“I just finished watching the replay of your video conference, “Unmasking COVID-19: Vaccines, Mandates, and Global Health.” The speakers were outstanding, and the take-away points were clear and unmistakable. I was so powerfully moved that I am making this donation to your organization. God bless you all, and God bless your work!” John; Oklahoma, USA
“You are an indispensable service by bringing the Truth to readers often prior to anyone else. Your coverage and journalism are first class. I pray that God and his Holy Angels watch over protect and guide you always.” David; Great Britain
“Thank you so very much for all you are doing to keep fighting to bring us TRUTH!! You are where we go every day for what’s really happening out there. I tell all my friends to go to LifeSite if they want the real story. Most of all I go to know that we’re not alone in this ever increasingly evil world. You are a comfort to our family and many others. May God continue to bless you all!” Teresa; Wisconsin, USA
“As I approach my 90th birthday I find it comforting and reassuring that you are there to keep spreading these incredibly important messages. I certainly wish I could do more, but I will pray for you all. Thank you.” Fausto; Pennsylvania, USA
Please consider stepping onto the battlefield with us, and all of our supporters, as we continue to advocate for life, faith, family, and the restoration of culture.
As the cultural battle ramps up, can I count on you to join our family of supporters so that we can continue to provide news uncensored and unattached from Big Tech?
A gift of $500, $250, $100, or even just $30 will help us cover the costs associated with growing our team, withstanding attacks on our website, and detaching from Big Tech completely. Donate now by visiting https://give.lifesitenews.com. You can also become a monthly donor at that link too!
Our mission is more than just news reporting. It is especially also about positively changing the culture and encouraging a greatly needed spiritual renewal for the good of all.
Join us today with an investment in the future. An investment in THE TRUTH which will bring awareness, needed action, healing and happiness. An investment in your own life and that of your family.