Preston Manning Reverses Previous Support for Some Embryonic Research
TORONTO, April 5, 2002 ( – In an piece published in today’s Globe and Mail, Reform Party founder and former Alliance MP Preston Manning came out against embryonic stem cell research (ESCR). Manning has considered this issue for many years as a member of the standing committee on health that reviewed draft of this legislation.
In the article Manning gets to the heart of the ESCR debate asking: “Are there limits to our moral obligation to respect life? Are there limits to our moral obligation to heal? Are there any circumstances where it is morally justifiable to take life in order to save life? Are there other options—such as focusing on adult stem cell research—that may help us to avoid choosing between the lesser of two evils?”
In answer he says: “My own faith perspective tells me that we should not destroy life to save life—even at the embryonic level—and should increase our efforts to find better ways to achieve the objective of saving life.”
See Manning’s full article from the Globe and Mail: NewsFullStory.html&cf=globetechnology/tech-config-neutral&slug=COPRESTON&date=20020405
See previous Interim article “Manning supporting embryonic research”