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June 10, 2021 (Vaccine Choice Canada) – COVID-19 vaccines available for emergency use in Canada are still in the experimental stage. If you elect to participate in the human trials, it is critical that you report any adverse events or injuries so that the manufacturers and public may be aware of the risk of vaccine injuries.
Adverse events following vaccination include unwanted or unexpected health effects that happen after a vaccine is received. These health effects may or may not be caused by the vaccine and may or may not be permanent.
Health Canada’s Definitions of adverse events.
Health Canada’s Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada – updated every Friday.
If you are unsure whether to report an adverse event or injury after receiving a COVID-19 shot, be proactive and report the event.
General Public – Report COVID-19 shot injuries
Complete the following four reports:
If you experience an adverse event or injury following a COVID-19 shot, instruct your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to complete the Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) form. Confirm that you will be provided a copy of their submitted report.
Vaccine recipients or their caregivers may also voluntarily report adverse events and vaccine injuries to public health. We suggest you send by registered mail.
Report the adverse event and injury to the Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network (CANVAS).
Report COVID-19 shot adverse events and injuries to VaxxTracker. VaxxTracker is independent from all government, pharmaceutical, or lobbying groups. Data summaries with monthly counts, top 10 reaction types, outcomes, and descriptions of symptoms are provided by VaxxTracker.
Health care professionals – Report COVID-19 Shot Injuries
Health care providers are required by law to report adverse events and vaccine injury to monitor vaccine safety.
If a patient experiences an adverse event and injury following vaccination, please complete the appropriate form (Adverse Events Following Immunization), and send it to your local Health Unit in your province/territory.
If you have any questions or have difficulties contacting your local health unit, please contact Vaccine Safety Section at Public Health Agency of Canada (Tel: 1-866-844-0018; Fax 1-866-844-5931).
Further Information
COVID-19 Shots in Canada – Health Canada Infobase
COVID -19 Vaccines: Safety Surveillance Manual
Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS)
Watch these informative videos featuring lawyer Rocco Galati from the Constitutional Rights Centre (CRC) to learn more about your rights to decline COVID shots, and information about protecting your Charter rights and freedoms.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes and is not intended as legal or medical advice.
Update June 1, 2021 – Canada launches its first national vaccine injury compensation program – CTV News – “Canada’s program will be administered by RCGT Consulting on behalf of PHAC and is already accepting claims.”
Click here for the Vaccine Injury Support Program.
Published with permission from Vaccine Choice Canada.
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.