By Gudrun Schultz
ENGLEWOOD, New Jersey, March 20, 2007 ( – Filthy conditions and unsanitary equipment at one of the state’s busiest abortion centers led to a state-ordered closure late last month, a report from health department officials has revealed
The Metropolitan Medical Associates was shut down Feb. 24 after state health officials discovered “immediate and serious” health risks during an investigation into conditions at the facility.
Forceps crusted with “brownish blood-like residues,” rusted crochet hooks used to remove IUDs, and a thick layer of dark red “dirt and debris” beneath an exam table were among the health hazards uncovered by state health officials, according to a report by The Record.
One of the busiest abortion centers in the state—the facility performed more than 10,000 abortions last year alone—the center “could not provide evidence” of an infection-control plan, officials found, in direct opposition to state law.
Employees told officials the housekeeper cleaned around the operating room tables “a couple of times a week,” but did not move the tables or clean beneath them.
“There was a large dark orangish-yellow stained area, dirt, debris, and syringe caps found under the operating tables in operating rooms #1, 2,3 and 4,” the report stated.
Sterilized equipment and instruments were open and stored in bins on the floor next to the copier in the main office, and surgical instruments were discovered in a drawer with light bulbs.
The facility told authorities it had complied with correction orders last week, but the state was not satisfied and the center remained closed until further corrections could be made.
The state also found the facility had failed to notify the department “of an event occurring within the facility that jeopardized the health and safety of a patient,” and found that the patient’s medical and operative records had not been completed.
“The operative report was not immediately completed following the procedure because Staff Member #1 reported being ‘superstitious’ and was aware that Patient #1 had emergency surgery performed and was waiting for the results,” investigators wrote.
A Newark hospital complained to the health department after a 20-year old woman nearly died following an abortion at the center. Two women have since filed separate lawsuits against the facility for alleged malpractice causing life-threatening complications during abortions they underwent at the center.
New Jersey Right to Life has called on Governor Corzine and state health officials to provide outreach assistance to women who may have experienced complications or suffered infection after undergoing abortions at Metropolitan Medical Associates.
“Many of the women who frequent this clinic are Medicaid patients, which means Metropolitan Medical Clinic is receiving a large percentage of state money which comes from taxpayer dollars,” said Marie Tasy, executive director of New Jersey Right to Life.
“The State of New Jersey has an obligation to reach out to women who have gone to this clinic to find out whether any of them have experienced any complications or if any may have developed a sexually transmitted disease through the use of unsterilized instruments.”
“It appears that veterinarian clinics possess better infection control standards than this clinic,” said Tasy.
Operation Rescue is urging the public to contact the New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Health Care Quality and Oversight at [email protected] and ask them to keep Metropolitan Medical Associates closed permanently.
See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:
New Jersey Woman Suffers Coma after ‘Safe, Legal’ Abortion
After Comatose Victim, Two More Women Injured At New Jersey Abortion Mill Come Forward