March 11, 2011 ( – A report issued in the UK earlier this week, called “Too Much, Too Young,” unmasks the extremely explicit nature of sex education material that public groups are pushing on school children as young as five-year-olds. Among other things, the controversial resources teach youngsters about oral and anal sex, as well as prostitution, masturbation, and “straight and gay,” and include explicit depictions and descriptions of sexual intercourse, as well as real footage of full-frontal adult nudity.
(Read the full report here. Warning: Contains explicit material not suitable for children.)
The issue of sex education has been a topic of much controversy in Britain with the recent debate of a compulsory sex education bill in the House of Commons. While the coalition government has said sex education would not be mandatory in primary schools, the coalition is meanwhile reviewing the education guidelines and material. Even without a change in law, family groups are concerned over what guidelines the coalition may put in place.
The Christian Institute, an advocacy group, published the extensive report on Wednesday, along with the 16 public councils that are advocating the programs. “If sex education is forced on primary schools by a change in the law, we expect the use of these resources to become more widespread,” said the report.
Among the explicit resources highlighted in the report, is the book “How did I begin?” by Mick Manning and Brita Granström, which includes illustrations of a couple in an intimate embrace in bed, with an explicit description of intercourse and sperm release. It also provides definitions of the words “erection,” “orgasm,” “masturbation,” and “prostitute.”
Another book, “Where did I come from?” by Peter Mayle, has full-frontal illustrations of a couple and informs youngsters that sex feels like “tickling” and is similar to “skipping” because “you can’t do it all day long.”
“Most parents would be deeply upset if these materials were used with their primary-aged child,” said Mike Judge, Head of Communications at The Christian Institute in the report press release.
Nick Seaton of the Campaign for Real Education, commented, “Some of this stuff could destroy someone’s childhood if it upset them too much.”
Sex education material aimed at children ages 7-11 becomes even more explicit. A video produced by BBC Active shows full-frontal adult nudity, and gives detailed illustrations and explanations of intercourse.
“Let’s Talk About Sex” by Robie H. Harris, tackles the topic of “straight and gay” for students aged 7 and older. Children may be curious about children of the same sex, the chapter explains. “They may look at and even touch each other’s bodies. This is a normal kind of exploring.”
“If public bodies believe these resources are suitable for young children, there is clearly a problem with their judgement and more control needs to be given to parents,” said Mike Judge of The Christian Institute.
“Parents must have the right to be fully consulted about materials. They must be able to review them, and veto any that are unsuitable. Those rights must not simply exist on paper. Parental consultation must be meaningful and enforced.”
Within “Too Much, Too Young,” The Christian Institute said that the Sex Education Forum, a body which produced a resource list that included several of the explicit publications within the report, “believes that all children and young people have the right” to sex and relationships education.
The Family Planning Association, the report said, demanded that “all children and young
people” receive sex education “at school as a statutory curriculum subject.”
Meanwhile the Department for Education said: “By law, schools must make sure that sex and relationship education (SRE) classes are appropriate to pupils’ ages and maturity.” It is the role of the teachers to “use their professional judgement,” but parents “retain the right to pull their children out” of any sex education class “if they are unhappy with teaching.”
Norman Wells, director of the Family Education Trust said, “It is vital that schools remain accountable to parents at the local level and, in line with the law, ensure that children are protected from inappropriate teaching and materials, having regard for their age and religious and cultural background.”
“Too many local authorities are taking their lead from the Sex Education Forum – a body that includes organisations that encourage sexual experimentation and aim to break down traditional moral standards.”
“Too Much, Too Young” includes advice for parents on taking action in the sex education debate, including contacting MPs and, as a last resort, filing statutory complaints.
Find a full listing of LifeSiteNews' coverage of the Ontario government's explicit sex-ed program here.
To view the full report click here.