
By Gudrun Schultz

  TOPEKA, Kansas, March 27, 2007 ( – Notorious late-term abortionist George R. Tiller may yet face criminal charges, after a resolution that would force Attorney General Paul Morrison to file charges against Tiller passed quickly through a House committee yesterday.

  The House Federal and State Affairs Committee approved the resolution that would see Tiller charged with carrying out criminal activity at his Topeka abortuary. Among accusations raised against the abortionist are charges of illegal late-term abortions—an investigation into Tiller’s record resulted in 30 misdemeanor charges, accusing him of conducting 15 illegal late-term abortions in 2003 on women and girls ranging in age from 10 to 22 years.

“We are gratified that the House leaders are taking action to restore the rule of law in Kansas. We pray that the full House will act quickly to pass the resolution,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman—the organization has been working unceasingly to ensure Tiller be held accountable for his alleged crimes.

“Innocent babies that should have the protection of law continue to illegally die at Tiller’s Wichita abortion mill. It is our hope that a vigorous prosecution will put an end to this needless and tragic bloodshed once and for all.”

  While state law forbids abortion of a healthy baby after 22 weeks gestation unless the mother is at risk for “substantial and irreversible” harm to a major bodily function, previous Attorney General Phill Kline said records showed Tiller had performed the abortions after diagnosing depression, stress or anxiety in the women—Kline conducted an extensive investigation into the accusations levied against Tiller.

  The charges against Tiller were initially dismissed by a Sedgwick County judge on jurisdictional grounds, following efforts by District Attorney Nola Fouston to get the case thrown out.

  Attorney General Morrison, elected in November, fired Special Prosecutor Don McKinney from the case after taking office in January, and asked that McKinney’s petition to the Supreme Court for the reopening of the case be withdrawn—McKinney had been appointed to the case under Kline in a effort to reinstate the charges against Tiller.

  Morrison has been accused of serious conflict of interest in the case by opponents, after it was revealed that Tiller contributed financially to anti-Kline advertising during the election campaign.

  See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

  Charges Against Notorious Late-term Abortionist Tiller Won’t be Reinstated

  Kansas Voters Let Abortionist, George “Tiller the Killer”, Possibly Avoid Criminal Investigation

  Woman Dies after being Rushed from George “the Killer” Tiller’s Late-Term Abortion Mill

  New Kansas Attorney General Immediately Fires Prosecutor of Abortionist Tiller

  Kansas Abortion Clinic Sends Another Woman to Hospital Weeks After Reported Death

  Kansas Abortionist Killed Late-Term Babies for “Maternal Depression”: Fox News