February 10, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – When people think of sex-selective abortion, they usually envision a patriarchal culture that devalues female lives somewhere overseas. But a member of the extreme wing of the feminist movement confesses online that she terminated her own child because he was a boy, and “I couldn’t bring another monster into the world.”
And in a follow-up essay, she said said she would do it again “in a heartbeat.”
The woman, who writes under the name “Lana,” told her story of reverse gendercide in an essay for the website InjusticeStories.com entitled, “I Aborted My Baby – Because it was a Boy.”
Lana writes of her initial happiness when she found out she was pregnant in the spring of 2012.
“Money wasn’t really an issue, and I knew that I would be a good mother-like figure for the child by myself,” she wrote. “I have always believed in the right for all women to have a choice in terminating their pregnancy, but when I confirmed the diagnosis about a month into into it, I decided that I WAS ready to have this child.” (Emphasis in original.)
Then, like so many other mothers, she changed her mind about abortion after she saw an ultrasound. She was having a boy.
“I couldn’t bring another monster into the world,” she wrote. “We already have enough enemies as it is.”
Lana describes exactly where she developed her misandry, revealing that she worked for the “Feminist Movement” [sic] even “to the point of eschewing a career.”
Members of the extreme wing of the feminist movement have attempted to build a world without men. A new documentary, She's Beautiful When She's Angry, details groups such as The Furies, a Washington, D.C.-based lesbian collective that included Rita Mae Brown (and excluded men on ideological grounds).
Some extreme feminists justified hatred of all men. Robin Morgan, the editor of Ms. Magazine, once said, “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”
Lana also detailed her involvement in the Occupy Wall Street movement in San Francisco.
Lana said she could not raise a son, because eventually “he would still come into contact with boys, men…who would inevitably twist his carefully constructed upbringing with their kindness.” In the end, “He would think…Not all men are bad.”
“I knew what I had to do,” she wrote. She opted for an abortion.
“To me, the experience was liberating,” she added.
In a follow-up piece, though she admits “the emotions I felt when deciding what I should do, and after learning my fetus was male was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy,” she found the abortion “more than worth it.”
“If I had to do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat,” she wrote. “If the curse returns, I would do the exact same thing all over again.”
Not everyone in her world was thrilled with her choice, she wrote. “Over the past 3 years, I have lost many friends, and several of my own family members have completely cut off communication with me.” Lana is convinced they “just cannot handle the fact that I have the right to make choices,” adding that these choices to eliminate her child from their family “ultimately hardly even affect them.”
Her story is the other side of the coin when it comes to gendercide, a targeting of unborn girls so pervasive that even supporters of abortion have denounced it. Former President Jimmy Carter called it the “worst human rights abuse on earth.”
“The worst statistic that I know,” he told David Letterman last March, is that “160 million girls are now missing from the face of the earth, because they were murdered at birth by their parents or either selectively aborted when their parents find out that the fetus is a girl.”
The UK Independent newspaper has concluded that even Great Britain is missing between 1,400 and 4,700 girls due to sex-selective abortions.
This is a rare account of a Western feminist consciously seeking to kill males because they possess a Y chromosome.
Analysts who have read Lana's online account cannot believe the depths of hatred the woman must have for males. “I don’t know what to say about this woman,” Rebecca Hamilton, an 18-year member of the Oklahoma state House of Representatives, wrote. “I have no idea if it was horrific events that made her this way or if she’s just using her totally bogus version of feminism to glorify her own psychopathy.”
In her own follow-up, Hamilton writes that this kind of ideologically targeted killing is the natural outgrowth of abortion-on-demand. “Why would anyone do that?” she asks. “Because they can. When you legalize killing a whole group of people for any reason whatsoever, they will be killed for every reason possible.”