Andrea Ryder, a US Marine who served two tours of duty overseas, categorically refused doctors' advice to abort her child, and put off potentially life-saving cancer treatment for the sake of her unborn daughter.
Ryder, 27, of Warwick, Rhode Island, told WLNE TV that she had had skin cancer before, but in June she was told that the melanoma had returned and metastasized to her intestines, lungs, liver, breast and shoulder.
She was about four months into her first pregnancy. When doctors advised her to abort her baby and begin cancer treatment, Andrea said this was not an option she and her husband would consider.
“It was not like it was the beginning of the pregnancy,” Andrea said. “I was already in the second trimester and we were only a week away from finding out the gender, so I couldn't even think of termination.”
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Although she was facing the possibility of less than 6 months left to live if she didn't begin treatment immediately, Andrea said she knew she was meant to mother her child, and that her husband's optimism and support confirmed her courageous decision.
In her third trimester, doctors told Andrea they believed her baby was big enough to be born safely so Andrea's labor was induced and baby Olivia Marie was born 10 weeks premature, but healthy, on September 29.
“She was a big girl. She was born 3, 3 and was 16 inches long and they couldn't believe how big she was,” Andrea said.
Now that her daughter is safely born and being cared for in the hospital's preemie unit, Andrea is undergoing the cancer treatment she had put off for her baby's sake.
“As soon as I'm done with radiation I walk right over to go see the baby and am there all day,” Andrea said. “I just feel that a lot of people would maybe do this for their baby.”
Andrea and her husband are hoping Olivia Marie will be able to join them at home soon and they will all be together for Christmas.