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WASHINGTON, D.C., August 19, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Some presidential candidates want Planned Parenthood defunded, but that's too good for the abortion giant, according to Rick Santorum.

“They must not just be defunded; they must also be prosecuted,” the presidential candidate asked. “When will this horror show end?”

“What we are seeing day after day is the destruction of innocent little babies. This is murder!”

“Who are we as a society if we continue to let this go unpunished?” he asked.

The former Senator said the president has turned a blind eye to allegations that Planned Parenthood is trafficking in fetal organs because of his political ideology and Planned Parenthood's $15 million in donations to his 2012 campaign.

“I can understand why President Obama and his Justice Department sit on their hands and let these crimes continue. It was Barack Obama who voted against the Illinois state version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”

Santorum sponsored the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban as a U.S. senator.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. Ted Cruz both pledged to prosecute Planned Parenthood upon being elected president.

Of the three, Cruz rates highest in presidential polls at this time, with Jindal and Santorum struggling near last place – something Santorum said happened before he won the 2012 Iowa caucus, as well.

Their call to put Planned Parenthood officials on trial is amplified by leaders in the pro-life movement, especially those closely tied to the videos' release.

“Today's video is evidence that babies are being born alive during abortions at Planned Parenthood and then intentionally killed for their organs. This is no less than cold-hearted, premeditated murder,” said Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue and a board member of the Center for Medical Progress. “Furthermore, there is evidence that Planned Parenthood abortionists alter procedures to ensure the organs can be harvested. This is also a crime. We call on authorities in San Jose, Houston, and everywhere else that Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts to immediately open murder investigations and swiftly bring those involved in killing born-alive babies to justice.”

Dismembering a living child reminded Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of another infamous abortionist.

“Planned Parenthood knew what was going on behind the closed doors of the ‘House of Horrors’ at Kermit Gosnell’s clinic in Philadelphia yet they never reported him – because they were doing the same thing in their facilities,” she told LifeSiteNews. “Gosnell’s abortion facility was closed down and he sits in prison today for the murder of babies born after failed abortions, which is exactly where Planned Parenthood needs to be.”

Pro-life leaders say the continual drip of revelations – each more explosive than the last – is undermining the organization's alibis. “Every statement that Planned Parenthood and its defenders have used to deflect criticism is undermined by the next video, leading us to wonder what they can possibly say to justify the dissection of living human beings for so-called 'donations' of tissue,” said Fr. Shenan Boquet of Human Life International.

“The tiny person being killed and dissected most certainly did not give his consent” to the “donation,” he added.

The revelation that a child's heart continued beating as his brain was being removed with scissors may be the final straw, one leader said.

“The beating heart of a soon-to-be dead infant seems like an image from Edgar Allen Poe’s horror story ‘The Tell-Tale Heart,’” said Americans United for Life President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest, “but in truth, it’s Cecile Richards' inhumane profiteering displayed in living color.”

“Federal and state investigations into this heavily taxpayer-funded organization must begin with subpoenas of top officials,” she said.

“Planned Parenthood must be held accountable,” Dr. Yoest concluded.