January 10, 2012 (NationalRighttoLife) – In the first of two debates, separated by only ten hours, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum agreed that Roe v. Wade, the decision that legalized abortion on demand, should be overturned.
Saturday night’s New Hampshire Republican primary debate was supported by ABC News, Yahoo, and WMUR-TV. The moderators were ABC’s George Stephanopoulous and ABC’s Diane Sawyer. Sunday’s Debate was moderated by “Meet the Press” host, David Gregory.
Queried by Stephanopoulous, Romney said, “In my view, Roe v. Wade was improperly decided.” Romney then voiced his support for judicial restraint. “And in my view, if we had justices like [John] Roberts, [Samuel] Alito, [Clarence]Thomas, and [Antonin] Scalia, and more justices like that, they might well decide to return this issue to states as opposed to saying it’s in the federal Constitution.”
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After Stephanopoulous combined several issues into one confused question, Romney formulated the query so as to be able to respond directly: “Do I believe the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade? Yes, I do.”
Santorum, too, said, “I am for overturning Roe versus Wade.” Referring to Roe and a prior decision which found a right to privacy in the Constitution Santorum said, “They created through a penumbra of rights a new right to privacy that was not in the Constitution.”
He added, “I do not believe that we have a right in this country, in the Constitution, to take a human life. I don’t think that’s — I don’t think our founders envisioned that. I don’t think the writing of the Constitution anywhere enables that.”
Reprinted with permission from NationalRighttoLifeNews.org.