
TORONTO, August 28, 2003 ( – Steve Jalsevac, a long-time political analyst with Campaign Life Coalition Canada suggests that were actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to capture the Republican Governorship of California it would mean political damage for the Republican Party.  “A core constituency within the Republican Party is its social conservatives, most importantly those who are pro-life and pro-family. Schwarzenegger is so obviously a liberal on social issues, his running as a Republican reeks of opportunism and demeans the party’s integrity,” said Jalsevac.  Republicans have another capable candidate in the race who is considered authentically conservative.  California State Sen. Tom McClintock, first elected to the State Assembly in 1982, is also running.  McClintock ran for state controller last year and lost by a margin of 0.3% to a Democrat.  In that race, McClintock captured more votes than any other Republican on the ballot.  In an interview with Human Events released today, McClintock acknowledges that he is pro-life and pro-family and willing to act legislatively on those convictions.  “As we have seen so many times in Canadian politics, conservative parties are usually a delicate balance between fiscal and social conservatives, and where fiscal conservatives are so insensitive as to alienate social conservatives, the Party suffers debilitating division,” Jalsevac told LifeSite News.  “Arnold may well give the Republicans Governorship of another state, but his strong liberal stance on social issues will damage Party unity and weaken critical differences in policy between the two major parties.”  On a radio talk show yesterday, Schwarzenegger attempted to appear less offensive to social conservatives saying that he is pro-choice, but against “partial-birth” abortion; that he supports current domestic-partnership law but not gay ‘marriage’”.  However, Schwarzenegger’s Republican strategist Allan Hoffenblum was candid about the actor’s negligible chances of appealing to social conservatives.  Speaking of “family-value types”, Hoffenblum said, “that is the group that is least likely to vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger regardless.”  See the interview with McClintock from Human Events and the Hoffenblum coverage:   See also:  Note to Arnold: If You Win the Governorship, Watch Terminator II Again