
GLASGOW, Scotland September 21, 2005 ( – Scottish parents have increased demands to keep their children out of increasingly explicit school sex-ed programs says Gregory Carlin, spokesman for The Rights of the Scottish Child organization.

Carlin told this past June that “The dreadful record of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in Glasgow is largely because of the harmful sexualized environment created by educators and officials.” This motivated the original challenge to Glasgow City Council’s attempt to make its graphic sex-ed curriculums compulsory.

Yesterday Carlin told that concerns about the UK Liberal Democrat Party’s continuing support for mandatory sex-ed programs and their policy that young teenagers should have the right to watch and appear in explicit pornography have convinced the Catholic parents to be even more proactive. The sexualized UK culture has led to a situation, as reported in the Sept. 18 Sunday times, where that UK has become the porn capital of Europe, with access to 27 porn television channels and many teenagers actually wanting to become porn stars.

“The threat by the Liberal Democrats to make sex education compulsory will not happen”, said Carlin. Rather than demanding that Catholic children not be exposed to the sex-ed programs in Catholic schools only, Carlin is also demanding, “Catholic children in non-denominational schools all across Scotland must have access to separate sex education classes.” Such programs would substantially differ from the damaging government programs.

See previous report:
  Scottish Parents Sue Over School Board Refusal to Allow Parental Opt-Out on Sex-Ed

  Let 16-year-olds visit sex shops and see explicit porn, say Lib Dems
