
EDINBURGH, November 12, 2003 ( – The Scottish Executive has announced plans to give homosexual couples all the legal rights of married couples.  The move comes in response to similar initiatives on the part of the England and Wales.  While religious and family groups objected that the move would undermine marriages, Hugh Henry, the deputy justice minister, said it would not. However, he did suggest that allowing heterosexual couples the same benefits would undermine marriage.  Of the homosexual couples, Henry said, “We’re talking about people in long-term, loving relationships who are denied legal recognition for certain very significant parts of their lives.  I don’t see how giving certain rights to people who cannot get married can possibly undermine marriage.” But of extending the benefits to heterosexual couples he said, “That would provide an alternative to marriage and it’s not our intention to do that. We believe that providing an alternative to marriage would have the same effect as undermining it.”  See the coverage in the Sctotsman at: