In August, Pope Francis visited South Korea's Cemetery for Aborted Children. This past Saturday, American Catholics and other pro-life advocates did the same for the nation's approximately 56 million aborted babies.
Last year, more than 2,300 pro-life Americans gathered to pray for the deceased unborn at more than 100 sites across the country. This year, led once again by Citizens for a Pro-life Society, Priests for Life, and the Pro-Life Action League, “thousands of pro-lifers gathered at 132 locations,” Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler told LifeSiteNews.
“Over 28,000 aborted babies have been given a proper burial” in 41 graves, he said. Guest speakers at the memorial services “included pro-life activists who had rescued abortion victim’s bodies from garbage dumpsters and pathology labs, women and men who regret choosing abortion, and ten Roman Catholic bishops.”
One of those Catholic bishops was Cardinal Francis George, the archbishop of Chicago, who spoke at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. In front of a grave site where 2,033 aborted babies were buried 26 years ago, George said, “When one person dies, or is killed, or is brutally murdered we all suffer, we’re all lost.”
“Justifying abortion as the foundation of women’s equality or as a solution to societal or personal problems does a great disservice to women and to our society,” the cardinal added.
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Another member of the clergy was Detroit-area Bishop Michael Byrnes. “The whole pro-life movement is a challenge to fathers. … Fatherhood is a holy act. Fathers must claim their children!” he said, according to Live Action News.
Scheidler said that healing was a primary focus of the National Day of Remembrance. “After our memorial service a woman came up to me in tears,” he said. “She had just learned that her daughter had had an abortion earlier that week. She was heartbroken, but so grateful for this opportunity to mourn for her lost grandchild.”
The woman's relief is not just her own. The now-annual event saw an activist in Alabama say that women who have had abortions “feel like they're condemned or judge[d], and our Bible studies offer free, secure places for them to come and be ministered [to] by women who've done the same thing.”
Official attendance numbers have not been released for the nationwide services. This article will be updated when that information is released.