NEW YORK, October 22, 2001 ( – In a public relations nightmare for Senator Hillary Clinton, she was practically booed off stage at a concert Saturday in New York City. Drudge Report revealed yesterday that at the event called “America: A Tribute To Heroes” the former first lady was jeered and booed by thousands gathered at Madison Square Garden as she took to the stage—unannounced—to introduce a movie clip.
Drudge reports that cameras captured firemen and police heroes wildly booing Clinton, who attempted to raise her voice above the shouting crowd. “Get off the stage! We don’t want you here!” yelled one New York City police officer just feet from the senator. Clinton ending up giving the shortest presentation of the evening, clocking in at under 20 seconds.
Political commentators suggest that the cold reception is likely due to the widely broadcast rolling of the eyes and looks of disgust, Senator Clinton gave during President Bush’s speech to Congress following the September 11 terrorist attacks. Another Clinton presidency, which many feared a future shoe-in for the Senator, could be de-railed.
See the full report by Drudge: