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June 25, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian senator took aim at how a new internet censorship bill was pushed through Canada’s House of Commons in “kangaroo-court” style earlier this week, vowing she will fight its passage in the senate chambers.
“I will do everything I can to make sure this bill isn’t rammed through. Standing up to Bill C-10 is standing up against censorship and standing up for free speech. If we don’t say NO now, it will be too late,” tweeted Senator Pamela Wallin on June 22.
“The government has had six years to pass legislation it wants. It is not our job in the Senate to rubber stamp and give up our constitutional responsibilities just because they want fodder for an election — especially if it means killing free speech.”
Canada’s House of Commons passed the controversial internet regulation Bill C-10 while most Canadians were asleep just after 1:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.
Bill C-10, known as “An Act to Amend the Broadcasting Act,” has drawn fire for its targeting of user-generated content on social media platforms.
The bill would force websites, including YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, to remove content deemed “harmful” within 24 hours, and also compel sites such as Netflix to have more Canadian content.
Bill C-10 is now before Canada’s Senate, where it has already gone through first reading. Extra calendar days were added to the senate’s schedule to allow debate on it next week.
Wallin blasted how the bill was passed with “no scrutiny, no oversight.”
“We haven’t even seen the secret amendments they passed. ‘Kangaroo court’ would be an understatement,” wrote Wallin on Twitter.
Minister of Canadian Heritage Steven Guilbeault introduced Bill C-10 last year. It aims to regulate certain online media services through the creation of a new class of broadcaster called “online undertakings.” This would be done through amendments to Canada’s Broadcasting Act.
The controversial bill will be debated next week in the senate, with a committee review coming in the fall.
Wallin did offer some “good news,” however, that should Prime Minister Justin Trudeau call an election this fall as anticipated, the bill will “die.”
“They will need to try again and perhaps with all the public outcry they will understand that Canadians believe in free speech and vehemently oppose any attempts at censorship,” tweeted Wallin.
Wallin served as a journalist and broadcast anchor for years with Canada’s state-run CBC.
The passing of Bill C-10 came only a few days before Justice Minister David Lametti snuck in anti-“hate speech” Bill C-36, which, if passed, would allow a tribunal to judge those who are found to be in violation of the new law simply by someone complaining to be a target of “online” hate.
Contact information for respectful communication:
The Honourable Steven Guilbeault – Minister of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street, 12th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-997-7788
Email: [email protected]
MP Michelle Rempel Garner
Conservative shadow minister for industry and economic development
Suite 115, 70 Country Hills Landing NW
Calgary, AB T3K 2L2
Telephone: 403-216-7777
Email: [email protected]
Justin Trudeau – Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
[email protected]
David Lametti
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8
Email: [email protected]
Use online contact form here.
To contact your member of parliament (MP), click here.
To contact members of Canada’s senate, click here.