By Hilary White
VANCOUVER, June 22, 2006 ( – The fallout of the dissolution of the legal institution of marriage in Canada is proving the recently established maxim that the modern world is impervious to satire.
While homosexual activists insisted that with the redefinition of marriage to allow them to register their partnerings, the whole affair would be closed, activists defending marriage warned that the redefinition had kicked the supports out from under the institution. Many warned that taking marriage out of its natural context and re-defining it according to the whims of special interest groups would lead inevitably to polygamy being included as a religious rights issue.
Now a group of women in Vancouver are going one better than mere polygamy and are moving into previously unexplored realms of narcissism and marrying themselves. One said, “You can’t commit to anyone else unless you’re in touch with yourself.”
The seven women, ranging in age from 24 to 50, have announced they will gather on a local beach, dressed in wedding gowns, and undergo a mock marriage ceremony.
Melanie Talkington told the Province newspaper she wants “to embrace her femininity” with the mock ceremony, which she describes as “a big theatrical event.” The women described the event as a kind of costume theme party to be held at a park near Jericho Beach.
Laurie Geschke, the national president of REAL Women of Canada, was not concerned with the stunt. She told the Province that though the women’s plans were intended as a mockery of marriage, “The damage has already been done by the courts.”
In 2003, Toronto columnist, Michael Coren, in an attempt to satirize the then-growing demands for homosexual ‘marriage,’ wrote that he would welcome the change so he could marry his ideal spouse: himself.
“I love myself. I really, really do. Genuine, deep love. We’ve been together for years now and there is no way we’ll ever break up. It’s a special love and I know that not everybody will understand it. But what does that matter? We think alike, laugh at the same things, enjoy the same food. Even dress alike. Cute, I know.”
Read ‘I do’ … and ‘I do, too’. I’m Going To Marry Myself
Michael Coren on the issue of redefining marriage
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