CINCINNATI, March 13, 2003 ( – On Tuesday, Xavier Catholic University cancelled three planned productions of the vulgar feminist play the “Vagina Monologues”. However, the Cincinnati Post reports today that Xavier University President Michael Graham won’t try to block a professor who is including the monologues as part of her class.
Graham called the professor’s move “a legitimate exercise of academic freedom” that puts the play “in a suitable environment of debate and discussion.” The show will go on at the same time and place as originally scheduled, reports the post. The university therefore appears to be playing a devious shell game in order to placate Catholic critics. The play includes an approved reminiscence about a lesbian seduction of a 16-year-old girl.
There has been a string of cancellations of the play which was to be presented this year at some 42 Catholic colleges. The Cardinal Newman Society, a national organization dedicated to the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education in the United States, released the names of the offending universities earlier this year. Since the release at least six of those colleges have banned the play and nine other colleges are said to have canceled the productions. The Cardinal Newman Society reports that about 30 Catholic U.S. colleges are presenting or have presented the play this February/March. Overall, the feminist promoters of the play claim it will be shown in over 600 colleges throughout the world this February/March. See the coverage on Xavier University:
See the Cardinal Newman Society: See the Vagina Monologues list of participating colleges: See the Cincinnati Post