SAN JOSE, CA, May 20 (LSN) – In the May issue of Good Housekeeping, an investigative report details the work of a physician who offers “fetal sex determination” services early enough so that parents may abort a child if he or she is not of the desired sex. Despite his cash fee of $1,200 (US), Dr. John Stephen has a booming practice, with offices in San Jose, CA, Blaine, WA, and Niagara Falls, NY. Stephen has received criticism from all corners, and even some “pro-choice” advocates are critical of his methods, at least publicly. But Berkeley professor Ernest Hook points out that “If people are really that hostile to the issue of sex selection for abortion, then what they’re really saying is they are considerably concerned about abortion in general.” Stephen says, “I’m the most hated physician in America, and I’m proud of it.” He describes some of his “success” stories, recalling couples coming to his office repeatedly and having multiple abortions until conceiving a child of the desired sex mostly male. Stephen also reveals a case of a mother undergoing a “selective reduction” (aborting one child in a multiple pregnancy) to eliminate the child of the unwanted sex.
SAN JOSE, CA, May 20 (LSN) – In the May issue of Good Housekeeping, an investigative report details the work of a physician who offers “fetal sex determination” services early enough so that parents may abort a child if he or she is not of the desired sex. Despite his cash fee of $1,200 (US), Dr. John Stephen has a booming practice, with offices in San Jose, CA, Blaine, WA, and Niagara Falls, NY. Stephen has received criticism from all corners, and even some “pro-choice” advocates are critical of his methods, at least publicly. But Berkeley professor Ernest Hook points […]