
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2007, (—In an effort to help prevent commercial sexual exploitation of children in America, The Defenders, organized by Shared Hope International (SHI) has launched a national effort by men for men to combat the use of child pornography and prostitution.

“She Has A Name,” an ad created by The Defenders, advances the first offensive in the battle against sexual exploitation of children by the sex industry and its buyers. The ad, calling on men to join The Defenders, airs nation-wide beginning this Friday, June 16th. The ad specifically challenges men to be defenders and protectors of children, not abusers. Alyn Waller of Philadelphia concludes the ad stating, “Real men defend women and children no matter whose daughters they are.” (To view the PSA, visit

Researchers estimate that the sale of child pornography alone has become a $3 billion dollar a year industry, and 55% of that industry is based in the United States. Men are the primary consumers in this marketplace of victimization in America.

Linda Smith, Founder of Shared Hope International said, “Sexual slavery is rampant around the world, but God forbid we should attack the problem in every nation on earth and allow our own children here in North America to be taken, used, and destroyed by the predators. We need men to take a stand against the commercial sexual exploitation of children in America.”

The Defenders will specifically focus on raising public awareness of the harms of buying sex and using pornography to both the victim and the buyer or user; encourage public debate on the normalization of buying younger and younger children, as evidenced by the growing number of children being drawn into prostitution at age 11 and younger; challenge civil society groups, including faith-based organizations and churches, to provide refuge and services to the victims and the victimizers, many of whom believe they are now unacceptable to society; provide resources through The Defenders website to men to help educate each other and access help.

Over the course of the past several years, SHI has researched and investigated the sex industry markets around the world where women and children have been exploited. SHI recently hosted the “United States Mid-Term Review on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in America” in Washington, DC, which gathered grassroots organizations from around the country along with top-level government officials to discuss an agenda for action to combat this issue within our borders.

“Being a Defender is living a life of integrity and purity,” reads the Defenders’ website. “Yet being a Defender is more than a label, it’s also a lifestyle. To live the life of a Defender, we have to be on guard by setting boundaries that will help us guard and protect ourselves as we live lives worthy of our manhood — of our role as Defenders.