Help Jenny Porter recover from her vaccine injury: LifeFunder
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (LifeSiteNews) — Two days following a Pfizer experimental COVID-19 vaccine injection last August, Jenny Porter, a very healthy real estate professional and single mother of three children, became “horrifically ill” experiencing “non-stop excruciating pain” while losing her ability to walk, sit, and sometimes even move.
As a result, she remains unable to work, has been alienated from her children, and despite the generous efforts of a network of loyal friends over many months, is now residing in a southern California homeless shelter.
“She’s the all-American girl who did what was right, and she lost everything,” explained Brenda Maingot in a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews. Maingot and her husband Gary, close friends of Porter for 27 years, cared for her in their home for an extended period of time following her injury.
An education specialist from Marietta, Maingot described her friend Jenny as “stunningly beautiful, always active, always exercising. She was like the PTA soccer mom at her kids’ school… just the epitome of health.”
“In August, after the vaccine, she was unrecognizable,” he told LifeSiteNews. “She was oftentimes carried in [the office] as she couldn’t walk in on her own… her whole body just completely blew up in an inflammatory state. Her eyes were puffed in, her cheeks were full, her legs were swollen.”
“It’s like Jekyll and Hyde, it’s a tale of two different women from where she used to be [before the shot] to where she is now,” Rundle lamented.

In a June interview with Broken Truth, Porter explained that her doctor of almost 20 years had diagnosed her with Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) as a result of the Pfizer injection.
MIS is “an autoimmune-type inflammatory disease which attacks your organs, your tissues, your muscles. It also activated old sports injuries. It activated arthritis. It damaged my spine and bulged discs in my lumbar. We also believe it bulged discs in my neck,” she explained.
In addition, Porter experienced cognitive and reproductive issues, with “multiple allergies” being activated and “severe nerve pain.”
“The spasms I would have, from about my sternum down, felt like I was having labor contractions in my muscles. Like the most insane Charley horse you can imagine,” Porter told LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.
As her industry strove to reopen last year following COVID shutdowns, Porter said she “felt a lot of pressure” to get the injection to ensure others around her felt comfortable, for to do otherwise might make it difficult for her to make a living.
“I was trying to do something that I thought would make everyone else feel safe around me,” she said. “And shame on me because I shouldn’t have made a decision out of fear like that, but I did, because I didn’t think I could handle the loss of income for me and my kids.”
Yet not only have governments provided legal immunity to Pfizer and other “vaccine” manufacturers for adverse reactions to their products – despite their disturbing track record of criminal and civil liability – but employers cannot be held liable for exerting any such soft coercion upon their employees either.
With the exception of her general practitioner, who went to great lengths to help, Porter discovered that physicians in the medical systems, “are not acting in a way that they’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with me.”
Even her own doctor had limitations as to what he could do out of fear of losing his license.
“One of the reasons it’s so difficult to get well is because the doctors we should be able to go to, can’t help us or they will lose their license,” she explained.
Help Jenny Porter recover from her vaccine injury: LifeFunder
In May, a group of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists, calling themselves the Global Covid Summit (GCS), issued a ten point declaration demanding “the [COVID] state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.”
Their sixth principle called attention to the medical establishment’s abandonment of the many thousands of patients like Jenny who have been inflicted with what they call “Post COVID vaccine syndrome.” This point declares that “funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.”
In describing this principle during the press conference, Dr. David Wiseman, a former Johnson & Johnson research fellow, stated the complications that have created so many injuries from the injections, must be recognized with names and ICD 10 codes “so the patients can begin to receive treatment. Without that they are just left in complete limbo.”
The GCS goes on to indicate that individuals within “a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions,” along with government agencies, big tech and media corporations must be investigated “and accountability must be had for those who have committed [these] crimes against humanity.”
Also failing Jenny was the California Department of Social Services which, after granting her subsistence funds for less than six months, suddenly no longer recognized her disability despite several reapplications and reaffirmations of her condition by her personal doctor.
As a result of these developments, she was forced to exhaust her savings, sell her car, and use these funds to stive for the restoration of her health, including the out-of-pocket expenses necessary for compensating holistic doctors whom she described as being very interested in helping her identify what is wrong with her internally.
Through certain techniques of detoxification, Jenny said she experienced a “1000% improvement” from these specialists allowing her to move around a bit on her walker and perform some personal tasks, but she has a long way to go.
In addition, Jenny has been blessed to be served without charge by Dr. Rundle and kinesiologist Chuck Pechin, who told LifeSiteNews that they were treating her free of charge “because she’s such a wonderful person and nothing, but nothing, like this should happen to anybody in the United States. It’s just terrible.”
“And I’m really upset that Pfizer doesn’t do a damn thing about it. With all of the billions of dollars that they make, they can’t help people who were screwed up by their shot? That’s not right,” he said.
Rundle agreed the “complete immunity” of the pharmaceutical companies “just screams trouble. It’s just not fair and I don’t understand why they’re not taking responsibility for the injuries that their vaccine is causing people like Jenny who actually, physically, needs the help and has been maimed by this vaccine.”
Yet he also emphasized that Jenny is “a fighter and is not giving up. Even when she has been at her deepest and darkest moments, she still seems a to find a way to find the positive and continue to keep her head up and move forward.”
In reflecting spiritually on all that has happened to her in the last eleven months, Jenny said, “Jesus can use this so that the rest of the half of my life will be so much different. I’m such a different person than I was. My eyes are so open to the hurting in this world. I’ll never be the same.”
“God has a plan for my life, and it requires me to see that no matter what, He’s there. And He’s going to take care of me,” she said.
Help Jenny Porter recover from her vaccine injury: LifeFunder
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