October 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A shocking new private poll shared by one of the country’s leading data scientists claims that 30% of American women under 25 identify as homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.
Before looking into the reasons for these numbers, Eric Levitz, in a New York Magazine article about the gender gap between Trump and Biden supporters, calls attention to the continuing rise of “singledom” — a preference for non-married life — among young women in the United States:
Neither the societal shift away from traditional gender roles nor the downstream cultural consequences of that shift are anywhere near complete. As Rebecca Traister has incisively argued, the growing prevalence of singledom among America’s rising generation of women is one of the most potent forces in contemporary politics. In 2009, for the first time in history, there were more unmarried women in the United States than married ones.
A large part of the trend away from marriage is attributable to young women rejecting sexual complementarity and identifying as lesbian, bisexual or a member of the opposite sex, Levitz explains:
And today, young women in the U.S. aren’t just unprecedentedly single; they also appear to be unprecedentedly uninterested in heterosexuality: According to private polling shared with Intelligencer by Democratic data scientist David Shor, roughly 30 percent of American women under 25 identify as LGBT; for women over 60, that figure is less than 5 percent.
As the poll is limited to women under 25, it doesn’t reflect changes to women’s sexual preference later on in life, while they’re still able to have kids.
In any case, conservative commentators were astonished at the poll’s findings.
“What’s behind this is primarily cultural. We have become an anti-natalist society,” suggests Rod Dreher, writing at The American Conservative. “And further, we have become a society that no longer values the natural family.”
“And now we have 30 percent of Gen Z women claiming to be sexually uninterested in men,” Dreher continued. “There is nothing remotely normal about that number. It is a sign of a deeply decadent culture — that is, a culture that lacks the wherewithal to survive. The most important thing that a generation can do is produce the next generation.”
“No families, no children, no future,” he added.
Andrew Sullivan, a popular mainstream political and societal commentator who identifies as homosexual, isn’t buying the stats, which he seems to think are way out of line and suggestive of openness to “female sexual fluidity.”
Sullivan tweeted, “Wild guess: 25 percent bi – meaning female sexual fluidity; 3 percent exclusively lesbian; 1.9 percent trendy trans; 0.1 percent actually trans.”
Wild guess: 25 percent bi – meaning female sexual fluidity; 3 percent exclusively lesbian; 1.9 percent trendy trans; 0.1 percent actually trans. https://t.co/mS6kkb6Ifl
— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) October 22, 2020
In an update to his article, Rod Dreher, and many of his readers, seemed to have reached the same conclusion as Sullivan: “The “B” in “LGBT” — bisexual — is probably doing a hell of a lot of work in that 30 percent number.”
While the reported statistics about female sexuality are shocking, the rise of “singlehood” is by itself cause for great alarm.
Increasing numbers of single people see themselves as a new victim class — objects of discrimination by society and government which seem to favor married people and families. The singlehood activists want to level the playing field by steamrolling not only laws and regulations which offer economic benefits for marriage; they would like to see marriage itself tossed in the dustbin of history.
“Any way you look at it, the United States has undergone a seismic shift in marriage culture over the past few decades,” noted Stella Morabito, a senior editor at The Federalist, in a prescient 2014 commentary.
“A small, vocal, and organizing core of ‘singles activists’ are starting to prod and poke everyone to tell marrieds: ‘check your privilege!’” continued Morabito. “They basically claim that all economic or social benefits for marriage discriminate against singles.”
“Many singles’ activists envision a utopian society in which legally isolating every individual expands freedom,” observed Morabito. “And it might even seem that way for a little while. Some will revel in a perceived ‘New World Orgy’ of freedom. But the morning after this binge of faux freedom will bring a hangover that doesn’t go away.”
Morabito warns that the singles movement serves a statist agenda, increasing the role of government in individual lives, while diminishing individual freedom.