By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
GUAYAQUIL, August 11, 2008 ( – In response to criticisms by the nation’s Catholic bishops regarding pro-abortion and anti-family language in Ecuador’s new proposed Constitution, a group of people entered a chapel in Guayaquil, grabbed the Eucharistic host that was exposed for adoration, tore it apart, spat on it, and stepped on it, according to ACI Prensa.
The profanation is reportedly the third that has occurred in recent weeks, as frustrated partisans of the socialist party Alianza PAIS lash out at the Catholic Church for criticizing their newly-proposed constitution.
ACI Prensa reports that similar desecrations have occurred in recent weeks at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Nobol, and the Church of the Holy Supper in Guayaquil.
Guayaquil’s Archbishop, who leads the nation’s Episcopal Conference, has also received numerous death threats for his defense of the right to life in recent weeks, as has pro-life leader Amparo Medina, who recently received a dead rat inside of a shoebox with a note attached that read “DEATH TO PRO-LIFERS” (see recent LifeSiteNews coverage at ).
In response to the string of profanations, Archbishop Antonio Arregui Yarza of Guayaquil held a mass yesterday in reparation. The diocese explained that “when a sacrilege is carried out, especially concerning the Eucharistic species, the entire Church is called to pray together to heal the offense committed against the Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and present in those hosts.”
The diocese also reportedly warned that the events were not “isolated and without importance.”
“In Guayaquil we have returned to flagellating our Lord, who like a silent lamb has received all of these offenses.”
The controversy has arisen from the Episcopal Conference’s warning that the new proposed constitution of Alianza PAIS would open the door to the legalization of abortion and the promotion of homosexuality, rob parents of the educational rights of their children, and create the framework for an excessively powerful government (
President Rafael Correa, the founder of Alianza PAIS, regularly quotes the Cuban communist Che Guevara at the end of his speeches, and calls Cuba a “democracy.”
Contact Information:
President of Ecuador Rafael Correa (he speaks English): [email protected]
Embassy of Ecuador in Washington
2535 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202) 234-7200
Fax: (202) 667-3482
Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Ecuador in Canada
50 O’ Connor Street, Oficina 316
Ottawa K1P 6L2, Ontario, Canada
Tel (613) 563 8206
(613) 563 4286
Fax (613) 235 5776
Email : [email protected]
Embassies of Ecuador in other countries:
S.E.R. Mons. Antonio Arregui Yarza
Arzobispo de Guayaquil
Clemente Ballén 501 y Chimborazo
09-01-254 Guayaquil
Prov. del Guayas, Ecuador
Teléfonos: (593 4) 2322-778 | (593 4) 2328-872
Fax: (593 4) 2329-695
Email: [email protected]
Previous LifeSiteNews Coverage:
Death Threats Received by Archbishop and Human Life International Leader in Ecuador for Opposing “Abortionist” Constitution
Ignoring Threats and Intimidation, Catholic Bishops of Ecuador Denounce Pro-Abortion Constitution
New Ecuadorian Constitution Endangered by Pro-Abortion, Anti-Family Language
Ecuador’s Proposed Constitution Would “Establish Penalties” for Groups that “Promote Homophobia”
Famous Model and TV Announcer Wins Battle to Protect Life and Family Values in Ecuadoran Constitution
Ecuador’s President and Ruling Party to Seeks to Exclude Mention of God in New Constitution
Ecuadorans Battle Over Abortion in their New Constitution