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DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) — Left-wing globalist billionaire George Soros warned fellow elites that the Russian-Ukraine conflict could lead to a civilization-ending Third World War.
“The invasion may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilization may not survive it,” Soros said at the World Economic Forum’s annual summit on Tuesday, adding that the conflict did not “come out of the blue” but is merely a symptom of a struggle between “two systems of governance.”
Soros defined the two types of “governance” as an “open society” and a “closed society,” describing the so-called “open society” as a state in which the goal is “to protect the freedom of the individual,” and in a “closed society,” the rule of governance is directed to “serve the rulers of the state.”
According to Soros, Ukraine represents an “open society” and Russia a “closed society.”
Soros then explained that due to this conflict between these two types of opposing systems, other issues “concerning all of humanity,” such as “fighting pandemics and climate change, avoiding nuclear war, [and] maintaining global institutions, have had to take a back seat to that struggle.”
“That is why I say our civilization may not survive,” the globalist added.
Despite claiming that “open societies” value individual freedoms, Soros, through his Open Society Foundations network, have been consistently in favor of stripping citizens of their freedoms in the name of COVID-19 and other social causes.
Last September, the American Civil Liberties Union, which received over $37 million from Soros between 2000 and 2014 alone, said mandatory COVID injections will “further civil liberties.”
In March, Ukrainian Soros-linked journalist Daria Kaleniuk made an emotional demand to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson begging him to instruct NATO to enter the war in Ukraine.
Soros, a known leftist mega-donor whose financial largess in support of Black Lives Matter “domestic terrorists” and efforts to defund the police have served to destabilize the United States, announced support for the Ukrainian government just days after the conflict with Russia began:
I have witnessed Ukraine transform from a collapsing part of the Soviet Union to a liberal democracy and an open society. It has faced countless acts of Russian aggression but has persisted. Brave Ukrainians are now on the frontline and risking their lives. The horrible images coming out of Ukraine remind me of war-torn Budapest in 1944 and the siege of Sarajevo in 1993. It is important that both the transatlantic alliance (the United States, Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom) but also other nations do whatever is in their power to support Ukraine in its time of existential threat. Putin’s actions are a direct attack on the sovereignty of all States that were once in the Soviet Union, and beyond. Russia is in clear violation of the United Nations charter and should be held accountable. Allowing Putin to succeed on his quest will send a message across the world that nations can simply be created or dissolved by brute force. We must stand with Ukraine, as they stand for us.
Through the calculated direction of massive funds, Soros has intervened in the internal affairs of nations across the world. UK Brexit pioneer Nigel Farage said in 2017 that Soros may be part of the biggest “international political collusion in history,” and Hollywood movie star James Woods has tweeted regarding Soros, “The degree to which this one Nazi collaborator has undermined the stability of Western democracies is virtually incalculable.”
Though Jewish himself, Soros is reported to have accompanied his “godfather” as a teenager in confiscating property from Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary. In a 1998 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft, Soros said he has “no sense of guilt” since he “was only a spectator” as this happened.
“That sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?” Kroft asked.
“Not at all,” Soros responded with a smile.
In an op-ed by LifeSiteNews, editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen explained how globalists such as Soros have already “spelled out their plan to use the Ukraine conflict to impose [a] one-world government.”
One such globalist quoted in the piece, president and CEO of the Atlantic Council Dr. Frederic Kempe, talked about how the Ukraine conflict is a “fulcrum” for the implementation of a “New World Order,” and “how the world manages” this conflict is “going to have far reaching consequences that go beyond Ukraine.”
Help Pro-Life Ukraine save babies from abortion: LifeFunder