SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota (LifeSiteNews) – Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has closed its last clinic in South Dakota, making the state abortion-free.
On Monday, the Planned Parenthood clinic in Sioux Falls performed its last abortion before shutting down and making South Dakota free of abortions, according to the New York Times.
“Abortions have stopped in South Dakota. We have prayed for this day, and now it is here,” Governor Kristi Noem tweeted.
Abortions have stopped in South Dakota. We have prayed for this day, and now it is here.
Now, we must redouble our focus on taking care of mothers in crisis. Help is available for you. Adoption is an option. You are never alone.
— Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem) June 16, 2022
“Now, we must redouble our focus on taking care of mothers in crisis,” she added. “Help is available for you. Adoption is an option. You are never alone.”
Earlier this year, Republican legislators in South Dakota refused to consider a bill Noem proposed which would have banned almost all abortions if a fetal heartbeat could be detected.
Therefore, while the states hasn’t officially banned all abortions, the closure of the last clinic will make the state abortion-free, as mail-order abortions were banned earlier this year.
In 2020, the Sioux Falls clinic temporarily closed due to COVID-19 regulations, resulting in a record low number of abortions, with only three performed in six months.
Since news broke of the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, many states have responded by passing a series of pro-life laws to protect defenseless unborn children. Several states have revealed plans to protect the unborn by banning most or all abortions.
Accordingly, Planned Parenthood has shut several of their clinics in the past weeks, citing staff problems and politics. Five closed this past Monday.
Recent polling shows that Americans are becoming overwhelmingly pro-life, resulting in fewer women seeking abortions.
According to a Rasmussen Reports survey released May 17, which polled 1,000 likely U.S. voters on May 15-16, a sweeping majority (67%) of respondents, including the 24% who think “all abortions should be illegal,” said they “believe abortion should not be legal past the first three months of pregnancy,”
Only 13% said they think “abortion should be legal at any time during a pregnancy before the moment of birth.” Another 13% said they would support legal abortion up to the sixth month of pregnancy.