Spain’s Gay “Marriage” Law Comes into Effect
MADRID, July 4, 2005 ( – Spain’s new same-sex “marriage” law came into effect Saturday as supporters in Madrid revelled – some media sources exaggerated that 1 million or more took to the streets. One homosexual news site suggested the “estimated 100,000” who took to the streets dwarfed “last month’s protest from the Catholic Church.” Another news source reported that some homosexual activists had dressed up as cardinals, to mock the Church for its opposition to same-sex “marriage.”
After passage of the legislation Thursday, the Spanish Bishop’s Conference issued a statement. “Marriage, understood as the union of a man and a woman, is no longer provided for in our laws.” Appearing Monday in Rome, Madrid’s Cardinal Antonio Maria Rauco Varela, leading a group of 1,600 Spanish pilgrims, said, “Not only is faith negated but also human reason itself, as one can see in the recent legislation on matrimony and the family,” according to a Reuters report.
Pope Benedict VI, while not directly referring to the legislation, told the Spanish pilgrims that, “in a society that is thirsting for authentic human values and suffers for its divisions, the community of believers must carry the light of the Gospel with the certitude that charity is, before all, communication of the truth,” according to an AGI report.
Meanwhile the Canadian Senate began discussing the new legislation today. A vote is expected by week’s end, with little hope that the measure will be defeated, as Liberal supporters of the legislation solidly control the Senate.
See related coverage:
Spain Legalizes Same-Sex “Marriage” and Homosexual Adoption
International Media Massively Under-Report Numbers at 1,000,000+ Spain Pro-Marriage Demonstration