
By Gudrun Schultz

CIUDAD REAL, Spain, February 17, 2006 ( – Bishop Antonio Algora, of the Spanish diocese of Ciudad Real, has likened Spain’s prime minister to Gaius Caligula, a megalomaniac first-century Roman emperor who was convinced of his own divinity and set himself up as a god.

“If Zapatero wants to become Caligula, it’s up to him, but without doubt people will have to learn who Caligula was and what customs he imposed on Rome, it’s as simple as that,” Bishop Algora told Spanish newspapers.

His comments on the prime minister were triggered by the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in Spain. Caligula is notorious for having committed acts of wild depravity during his short and disastrous rule.

Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has been at the forefront of a push to liberalize Spain’s social structures. Gay “marriage” was made legal in Spain in June of last year, despite a public outcry of opposition to the move.

Zapatero also legalized embryonic stem cell research and the use of abortifacient birth control, and has moved to increase access to abortion. As well, he has worked to eliminate mandatory religious education in the schools in what is seen by Catholic leadership as an open attempt to break with Spain’s history as a Catholic nation.

Read previous LifeSiteNews coverage:
  Spain Continues Cultural Tailspin—Abortion Rates Soar 72%