Spanish Government Sex-Ed Program “Recommends” Sex to Adolescents
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
CATALONIA, February 4, 2010 ( – “Sex is for enjoyment as much as we can or want,” Spanish adolescents are being told by their socialist government. “Do and let others do whatever they wish.”
Those words appeared in a pamphlet distributed to high school students in the region of Catalonia, according to Spanish news site Forum Libertas (Liberty Forum).
“Enjoying sex is a natural and recommendable thing,” the pamphlet also states. “Learn the best ways to enjoy it with security and tranquility.”
The pamphlet also endorses homosexual relationships, Forum Libertas reports. No mention is made of abstinence, nor the consequences of sexual intercourse.
Programs that actively undermine sexual morality among the youth are increasingly common in Spain, which has implemented a national campaign to, among other things, “revise the student’s attitude towards homosexuality” and combat “homophobia.”
The program, known as “Education for Citizenship and Human Rights” (EpC) is being imposed on all schools in Spain, public and private. Families who refuse to allow their children to attend have been threatened with prosecution. Although schools have some latitude in how they implement the program, Spanish government officials at all levels are clearly seeking to normalize promiscuity and unnatural sexual behavior.
According to reports originating from Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalucia, the EpC program there is going even further—and teaching bestiality.
The organization “Cordoba Educates in Freedom,” a group opposed to EpC, is accusing the EpC program at the Maimonides Institute for Secondary Education of teaching 13-14 year olds that “nature gives us sex so that we can use it with another girl, another boy, or with an animal,” according to a report by Professionals for Ethics, another anti-EpC group.
The school has been quoted as calling the statement a “defamation” and has complained that the proper routes were not followed to complain, but so far it is not clear if it has denied the charge outright.