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Pope Francis with Clare Byarugaba at the Vatican, August 2024.Byarugaba/X

(LifeSiteNews) — On this past week’s episode of Faith & Reason, John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discussed Pope Francis encouraging homosexual activists in Uganda, Cardinal Cupich praying at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), near where a Planned Parenthood truck offered free abortions, a Francis-appointed Kentucky bishop celebrating an LGBT Mass after cancelling the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), and more.

In an unannounced event at the Vatican last week, Pope Francis met with dissident Ugandan LGBT activists and challenged their country’s 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act, which punishes people who perform homosexual acts with up to life in prison, and can also punish aggravated homosexual acts such as rape with the death penalty. The pontiff encouraged the activists to “keep fighting for your rights.” The meeting was welcomed by prominent LGBT campaigner Dr. Frank Mugisha, the executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) who was included on Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people for 2024 by Hillary Clinton. SMUG has allegedly recruited underage African boys to take part in homosexual pornographic films.

Westen said the Pope’s meeting spat in the face of the Uganda Martyrs, who were killed for refusing to engage in homosexual activity with the king in the late 1800s. Fr. Murr added that what bothered him most about this story was the Pope. “Does he ever talk about chastity? Does he ever talk about normal, good, healthy sexual relations between couples and praise that? Does he ever talk about fidelity? Where is where is Christian morality in his message? Rather than activism for this cause. And you can see where this is going.”

Murr then mentioned how a professor said years ago that there was no need to worry about homosexuality because they can’t procreate. “I started laughing. I said, ‘Do you really think that’s the way it works? They have to procreate to have a movement? This is ridiculous!’” The priest emphasized that they don’t need to procreate because they can use pornography to indoctrinate youth into a homosexual lifestyle at a vulnerable age when they’re trying to figure themselves out, which we’re seeing in Africa.

Murr again expressed his disappointment with Pope Francis for not addressing these issues. “As the bishop of Rome, it is his duty to be able to point out where Catholics, especially, are committing errors, which we call sin, and to bring them back to the fold. That’s not happening, and it is incredible. I never thought I would live to see this in my lifetime, but he is encouraging lifestyles that are anything but Christian. This is outrageous!”

Wright underscored that the Vatican has partnered with an organization in Africa that is committed to corrupting the youth and destroying civilization. “It’s obvious that to corrupt the youth is to destroy the religious, moral, and political foundations of a civilization. Whether this is intentional or not is up to the audience to decide, but that has been [the case] since the beginning of the recorded history of Western literature.”  

Wright pointed to the parallels between the deep state and what Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò calls the “deep church.”

“The attempt to export liberal values worldwide is twofold. It’s done through military force, through neocon regime change, [through] wars to countries that are deemed to be insufficiently gay or insufficiently liberal, and therefore, it’s legitimate to export our values to them,” he said. “But it’s also done through soft power, and soft power includes the threat of sanctions or the advertisement of the liberal lifestyle through organizations like Google or, unfortunately, the modern Catholic Church or NATO, which all celebrate the banner of Satan. And why do they do this? It’s because they’re attempting, through soft power, to colonize these nations, these traditional nations, for the liberal global empire.”

Later in the episode, the panel discussed Cardinal Blase Cupich’s prayer at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). The cardinal gave an invocation that notably failed to mention the unborn, a significant part of the DNC platform, while Planned Parenthood was offering free abortions just blocks away from the convention. Cupich also did not invoke the name of Jesus Christ once. Westen called this “stunning” because the convention came right in the middle of a campaign that has focused so much on abortion.  

Fr. Murr questioned how Cupich could say this prayer when the unborn were being killed not too far down the road. “It’s rot all around you. And you stand up and give a prayer. A prayer, it’s almost a blessing on these people.” The priest added that the stakes are high in the upcoming election, and he even believes this is America’s last chance. Rather than wake people up to that, “you have a prince of the Church pretending that everything is just hunky dory, just fine.” 

Wright underscored that the liberal ideology Cupich acted indifferent to is an ideology of death. “They celebrate the murder of their own children as their supreme right. If you try and take it away from them, they’re outraged. So that is a death cult, that’s the pinnacle of liberation, to annihilate human life and its value.”

For more discussion on Pope Francis’ encouragement of Ugandan LGBT activists, Cardinal Cupich’s DNC invocation, a Kentucky bishop’s “pride” Mass, and more, tune in to this episode of Faith & Reason.

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