COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, October 7, 2005 ( – Later this month pro-life leaders from Human Life International and other pro-life groups will travel Sri Lanka on a speaking tour to expose the population control agenda “of the US Government and the United Nations.”Â

From October 19-25, Cultura Vitae, in collaboration with Caritas Sri Lanka SEDEC and Human Life International – the largest pro-life organisation in the world, will launch the “Asian Family Under Siege” tour. An international delegation of experts from the USA, the Philippines and India among others, will be visiting key locations such as Kandy, Jaffna, Anuradhapura, etc.ÂÂ

In a press release on the tour Cultura Vitae says, “They will be informing the society elite about the population control agenda of the US Government and the United Nations, they will address the issue of abortion that is plaguing our nation, and they will explain who Margaret Sanger – the foundress of the FPASL – and Marie Stopes were.” The release adds: “The so far unsuspecting and vulnerable Sri Lankan people will learn about the harm that women are exposed to through birth control gadgets and potions which are touted to be instruments of women’s empowerment and they will be told how government departments are pressured into implementing racist and ideologistic policies enforced from abroad.”

Presenters are to include Dr Brian Clowes from the USA, author of The Kissinger Report: A Retrospective on NSSM-200, the official foreign policy of the US Government regarding population control strategies in developing countries Dr Ligaya Acosta, formally a senior official of the Philippines Ministry of Health – now speaking out on what Health Ministries in developing countries are forced to do by international powers such as the United Nations, will also be speaking. Other speakers include: Fr Thomas Euteneuer, President of Human Life International; Dr Enid Prabhu, gynaecologist and member of the Mumbai Human Life Commission; Marlon Castillo Ramirez, Director of Human Life International – Asia; and Dr Eshan Dias, the President of Cultura Vitae- the pro-life movement in Sri Lanka.
