
By Gudrun Schultz

LONDON, United Kingdom, February 14, 2006 ( – A new report suggesting civil partnerships may hold potential health benefits for gay couples ignores significant research showing serious health problems associated with the gay lifestyle.

The report, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH) by London researchers Professor Michael King and Annie Bartlett, suggests that gay couples will experience the same health improvements that have been linked to those in heterosexual marriages. Stress reduction through stable relationships and emotional security has been linked to reduced incidences of cardiovascular and other diseases in married couples.

Primarily, though, the report’s authors anticipate stress reduction through greater social acceptance of homosexual partnerships, which they expect will follow the recent legalization of gay “civil unions” in the United Kingdom.

The study ignores extensive research that clearly shows severe health risks associated with homosexual relationships and activity, both psychological and physical.

A recent study revealed there is a 20-year reduction in the average life span of a homosexual male, compared to that of a heterosexual. Published in Psychological Reports in 2005, the study “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS” shows that the dangers of homosexual activity reduce the life span of gay men to the life expectancy of men in1871.

While the JECH report recognizes the existence of emotional and behavioral problems associated with the homosexual lifestyle, such as depression, poor self-image, promiscuity and suicide attempts, the authors suggest social discrimination is the primary cause of these behaviors. However, other studies contradict that unproven assumption frequently stated by homosexual advocacy groups.

Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons reports that an extensive study in the Netherlands, where homosexuality has long been accepted and protected under law, indicates that “psychiatric disease cannot be attributed to social rejection and homophobia”. The high rate of psychiatric disorders associated with homosexual behaviour in the Netherlands contradicts the gay activist assumption about the cause of these disorders among homosexuals.

View JECH study here:

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