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January 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — On March 25, 2019 LifeSite launched The John-Henry Westen Show, a video series of weekly commentaries from our co-founder John-Henry Westen.

The show has been an enormous hit since its inception. With hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, The John-Henry Westen Show has become the go-to podcast for Catholics serious about their faith who want to stay up to date with everything going on in the Catholic Church. 

Right now, more than 3,000 subscribers from across the world receive The John-Henry Westen Show in their email inbox when new episodes are released every Tuesday. 

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With hard-hitting analysis and truth-telling interviews, The John-Henry Westen Show has featured some of the most well-known Catholic laymen and clergy in the world. Some of the guests with whom John-Henry has spoken include:

There is simply nowhere else in the world you are going to get these powerful, faithful voices to truth all in one place.

If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to The John-Henry Westen Show on YouTube. Click here to see all past episodes. Some of the most-watched shows include:

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on LifeSite.

It is also available in audio format on platforms such as SpotifySoundcloud, and ACast. To subscribe to the audio version on various channels, visit the ACast webpage here.

Sign up to receive weekly emails by clicking here. If you subscribe to The John-Henry Westen Show YouTube channel, you’ll be notified when there is new content.

You can send John-Henry feedback or ideas for show topics by emailing [email protected].