March 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Krispy Kreme has announced that as an incentive to entice people to receive experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” injections, which have been reportedly connected to a very high number of adverse effects and deaths, they will offer patrons one of their very unhealthy donuts each day for the rest of the year.
As reported by Yahoo News, “Krispy Kreme explained that any guest who shows a valid COVID-19 vaccination card at any U.S. Krispy Kreme location will get a free Original Glazed donut. And this isn't just a one-time deal. Nope, the chain will be offering it every single day through the rest of the year.”
That means, according the company, those who freely enter the COVID-19 medical trial for these experimental biological agents, “can wake up every single day knowing” they “have a free donut” coming their way.
Americans who receive a coronavirus jab are given a wallet-sized paper vaccination record card. Photos of the newly vaccinated brandishing their cards and sporting band-aids on their arms have become commonplace on social media. Meanwhile, people around the world are sounding the alarm about “vaccine passport” schemes that penalize or restrict what unvaccinated citizens may do.
The homepage of Krispy Kreme’s website prominently features an ad for free daily donuts in 2021 for “anyone who has received at least 1 of the 2 shots of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine or 1 shot of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine.”
One of its FAQs about the promotion addresses customers who “don’t want to be vaccinated.”
Krispy Kreme says:
We understand that choosing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is a highly personal decision. We advise all employees and guests to consult with their healthcare provider regarding whether to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination and which vaccine to receive after reviewing the available information. If you have made the personal decision to not receive the COVID vaccine, please visit us on Mondays, 3/29/21 – 5/24/21, to receive a free Original Glazed® doughnut and a medium brewed coffee to get your week off to a good start.
Promoting public health by encouraging obesity?
As Krispy Kreme rightly conceded in a 2014 ad, “Doughnuts are bad for you.” According to SFGate, “Donuts are loaded with sugar and trans fat, which aren't good for your heart or your waistline. The fried confections don't supply an impressive amount of key vitamins and minerals either.” They have high levels of sodium as well which can raise one’s blood pressure, put pressure on the heart and cause people to retain water, encouraging obesity.
Interestingly, the U.S. is currently facing an “Epidemic of Obesity.” In 1990, less than 15 percent of the population consisted of obese adults, while today “roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese (69 percent) and one out of three is obese (36 percent).”
Furthermore, obesity worsens the outcomes of virtually all illnesses, including COVID-19. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity “is linked to impaired immune function,” a possible tripled “risk of hospitalization due to a COVID-19 infection,” with a correspondingly higher risk of death.
The CDC also adds how studies “have demonstrated that obesity may be linked to lower vaccine responses for numerous diseases (influenza6, Hepatitis B7,8,9, tetanus10).”
Combine these dangerous trends with the fact that many gyms have been forced to close over the last year due to government COVID-19 response dictates, and these problems can only be exasperated.
“Good thing we closed the gyms,” tweeted the Daily Caller, highlighting this irony with a study finding “42% of Americans report undesired weight gain,” during this period with an “average of 29 lbs” and “41 lbs for Millennials!” The conservative media organization also noted that “78% of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Were People Overweight Or Obese.”
Good thing we closed the gyms
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 22, 2021
The broad promotion of these injections is curious for a virus with a median age of mortality which is almost “identical to natural mortality,” with an overall average being 82 years. Indeed, according to the “best estimate” of the CDC, survival rates for those under twenty years of age are 99.997%, for those between twenty and fifty years, 99.98%, from fifty to seventy, 99.5%, and for those over seventy years, 94.6%.
Thus, for those under 70, COVID-19 remains less of a threat than influenza. As one researcher affirmed, the risk of death for those healthy individuals of school and working age “is comparable to a daily car ride to work” and is thus “completely negligible.”
Further, with highly effective treatment available for the vulnerable, including hydroxychloroquine, and “miraculous” ivermectin, which is said to “obliterate transmission of this virus,” thousands of competent medical professionals insist that vaccines are not needed, and life should return to normal.
Other considerations include how current reports from the administration of experimental COVID-19 “vaccines”—according to the CDC’s VAERS reporting system—indicate that “between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 11,” a total of 38,444 adverse events occurred, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries.
Taking these and other factors into consideration, many physicians, including the American Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) group, agree that injections with these experimental biological agents, are “not safer” than COVID-19 itself.
Furthermore, broad concerns exist over whether the current administration of these injected chemicals corresponds with the ethical and legal norms of the Nuremberg Code of 1947.
The Nuremberg Code came about as a result of the post-World War II trials, convictions, and executions of Nazi doctors who had conducted deadly experiments, without the subjects’ consent, on prisoners of war.
Last week a group in Israel filed a lawsuit against their own government in the International Criminal Court charging them with “crimes against humanity” for violating the Code by the high-pressure and coercive implementation of their national experimental COVID-19 vaccination program.
One such violation involved “Forbidden Incentives for the vaccinated,” which included the reception of free goods and services from corporations, not unlike Krispy Kreme’s offer of free donuts.
Contact information for respectful communication:
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation
P.O. Box 83
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
1-800-4KRISPY (1-800-457-4779)
Online contact form
New lawsuit alleges Israel’s gov’t is committing crimes against humanity in vaccination campaign
US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots
Frontline Doctors: Experimental vaccines are ‘not safer’ than COVID-19
LifeSite’s petition against ‘vaccine passports’ goes viral
UK govt not ruling out vaccine cards being used as vaccine passports