NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 2, 2012, ( – Fresh off its decision to celebrate “LGBT month” by incorporating a homosexual “marriage” storyline into its X-Men comic books, Marvel Comics has announced it is marking National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October by teaming up with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.
Superheroes in several comic lines will be drawn with a special pink cover to mark the comic line’s affiliation with Komen. The comics specifically involved include the Avengers, Captain America, Captain Marvel, the Fantastic Four, Invincible Iron Man, Mighty Thor, Uncanny X-Men, and Wolverine.
In addition, all Marvel comics “will feature a special one-page advertorial educating readers about breast cancer, complimented by additional content on and through social media,” according to a joint press release.
The Komen foundation cut off funding for Planned Parenthood this year, only to reverse itself after a blistering public relations campaign and continue issuing new grants to the abortion industry.
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“Marvel is proud to partner with Susan G. Komen For the Cure to support their unparalleled efforts to raise awareness about the risk of breast cancer to both women and men,” said Dan Buckley of Marvel Worldwide.
Komen Vice President of Marketing Dorothy Jones said, “This partnership will allow us to share critical information with this important audience.”
“We’re in a unique position to educate all our fans worldwide,” Buckley agreed.
That’s the problem, pro-family leaders argue.
Monica Cole, the director of One Million Moms, recently told, “Children really admire these superheroes.They love them. They want to be just like them.”
In this case, their heroes’ actions would encourage them to give money to an organization that caved in to public pressure and resumed funding for Planned Parenthood.
Marvel celebrated “LGBT Month” in June by announcing a same-sex “marriage” between X-Men superhero Northstar and his mutant boyfriend, Kyle.