
OTTAWA (LSN) – Svend Robinson, the leftist homosexual and euthanasia activist MP from B.C. was quick to exploit the tragic suicide of Naterval Thakore to push for legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia. Robinson commented to the press that “It is cruel and inhuman that Dr. Thakore was not able to fulfill his wishes in his own country, with his loving family by his side”. Robert Pankratz of Canadian Physicians for Life responded, “What is cruel and inhumane is how Canadians are allowed to suffer without adequate palliative care available to meet their needs.”

Of note is the fact that 2 months ago to the day Senator Sharon Carstairs was quoted by the Winnipeg Free Press as saying, “Canadians need another Sue Rodriguez to push them into legalizing euthanasia.” Moreover, the late Dr. Thakore was a personal friend of Svend Robinson as well as a constituent in his BC riding. Carstairs and Robinson have led the charge for Canadian legislators to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia. It seems now they have their sacrificial lamb, a renewed opportunity to promote their anti-life agenda, at the expense of the life of Dr. Thakore.