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Jordan Peterson (L) with wife Tammy PetersonColm Flynn/X

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — Tammy Peterson, the wife of prominent Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, was received into the Catholic Church this weekend in Toronto. 

 On March 30, Tammy joined 10 other catechumens for the Easter Vigil at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Toronto where she received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. 

“I feel like I’m at home,” Tammy told EWTN reporter Colm Flynn following her Confirmation.

The church was packed as hundreds of Catholics came to see Peterson and the other catechumens enter the Church. Tammy was accompanied by her husband Jordan Peterson, who has yet to publicly affiliate himself with any specific religion, and has stated that he is “unlikely” to become Catholic.  


Before Mass, Tammy made her first Confession, cleansing her soul from the stain of sin before being received into the Catholic Church.  

“Tammy Mary, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Holy Rosary pastor Father Peter Turrone said as he made a Sign of the Cross on her forehead with the sacred chrism oil.  

Tammy was sponsored by her close friend Queenie Yu who taught her how to pray the Rosary when she was sick in the hospital.  

Tammy, along with the rest of the congregation, made a renewal of their Baptismal vows, which is traditionally done every year at the Easter Vigil.  

Following her Confirmation, Tammy received Christ in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Jordan also presented himself to the priest, receiving a blessing.  

“I think that God’s been whispering at me for a very long time to come his way, and it’s taken me a long time to get this far,” Tammy said. “And so I think it’s a relief maybe to be here.”  

“I need to know the story,” she explained. “I need that deep understanding of a story to sustain me. I need that basket of Christianity to hold on to me.” 

Tammy’s discovery of the beauty and truth of Catholicism came during her battle with cancer and debilitating illness.   

Tammy revealed that prayer “would alleviate some of the pain” that she suffered during this time.    

“I’d wake up at night and I’d pray the Lord’s Prayer until I went back to sleep. I didn’t allow myself to worry,” she said. “I pretty much prayed all night unless I was sleeping.”   

Following her lengthy stay at the Toronto hospital, Tammy travelled to Philadelphia for further tests.  

However, when the day came for Tammy’s surgery, doctors discovered that the medical issue had resolved itself on its own and canceled the surgery.     

Tammy said that her miraculous recovery, which took place on the fifth day of her novena, is a result of God’s intervention, in addition to a radical change in her diet that involved cutting out everything but meat and water.    

As Jordan Peterson previously told LifeSiteNews, Tammy’s decision came after years of searching for the truth, something that he revealed is central to their marriage.   

Peterson explained that he decided to make the pursuit for truth a priority in his life and marriage because of “the knowledge that no one gets away with anything.”  

Before their marriage, Peterson asked his wife if she would be dedicated to telling the truth. He described her conversion as an “extension” of the commitment that they made upon getting married.    

